- Hoo Doo 2by Treischel
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Things That Go Bump (Mono-rhymed Octave)
Animated Stills
: Hoo Doo 2 by Treischel


Howl Haunting Hoo Doo!
Blow at the Wind like you do.
Piercing Screams that go through
The Night, that Clings like New Dew,
Are the Soulful Songs that draw You
To the Fate that Lies before you.
Banshees, Ghouls, and VooDoo!
Howl away! Howl away dreaded Hoo Doo!

Author Notes
This is another poem inspired by this photograph.
Why a second one?
I had originally entered this photograph, with poem, in a contest, but had some problems with it, and I missed the deadline. Since I couldn't enter the same one, I had to write a new poem for it. So, this is the second one.
Which do you like better?


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