- Mother's Jaq Cee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
An off the cuff rant.
My Life in words
: Mother's Love. by Jaq Cee

When someone hurts your child
it's like your heart is torn.
You've nurtured and loved them,
from the moment they were born.

The feeling deep inside me,
is driving me insane.
I want confrontation
to ask, what is her game.

You made my daughter cry,
that's a bad thing to do.
I'm not an angry person,
that may change just for you.

I may have to see you,
to have a little 'chat',
I'll leave you understanding,
there'll be no more of that.

So take your snidey words
and your nasty notes too,
you're meant to be an adult,
you've shown your colours true.

Back off now before I come,
to tell you how things are.
I'll hunt you down and find you,
no matter how near or far.

Author Notes
Thanks to Google images for the picture. Just a wee rant after my daughter came home in tears tonight from her work looking after old and infirm people.

No real attempt at meter here people. :) Jaq x


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