- Do I believe? (Nonet style)by Jaq Cee
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How I felt a while back.
My Life in words
: Do I believe? (Nonet style) by Jaq Cee
Love Bites writing prompt entry

love advertised as faithful and true
crept up devouring my reason
consuming all my senses
playing my fragile heart
cleaving it apart
do I believe
love exists?
for now

Writing Prompt
Write a poem about love gone wrong or lost love. It can be sad, raw, or just plain angry (Just keep it clean). Express the emotions of the darker side of love. Any style or length. Be creative.

Author Notes
I was ever the cynic about love, but I do have a glimmer of hope now and then that it will be as it seems at some point. :) Thanks to Google images for the picture.


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