- My Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level
Hope he's better soon.
My Life in words
: My Dad. by Jaq Cee
Try Something New! A Tetrabreve writing prompt entry

Lying atop hospital bed,
is father looking half the man.
His colour is unhealthy red.
I almost ran.

It frightened me to see him there,
all huddled down, vulnerable.
If we can take him home I swear,
him, I'll cradle.

Writing Prompt
The tetrabreve uses a four line stanza with an abbreviated fourth line. The required meter is 8-8-8-4. The rhyme scheme can be Aaaa, AaBb, ABab, ABCb, or ABba, but it MUST RHYME. A minimum of two stanzas is required but there is no maximum number.


Author Notes
Thank you to Google images for the picture.


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