- Lantern of Hopeby Jaq Cee
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A new beginning dawns.
My Life in words
: Lantern of Hope by Jaq Cee

As I sit and ponder
my sad formative years,
I know they hold me back
lock me in my own fears.

Now it's time to let go
to fly high and free,
now it's time to accept
what these things did to me.

It was never my fault
although that's how it seemed,
I beat myself up daily
my worth I still demeaned.

I must learn to love me
accept the things you did,
tell myself its alright
for I was just a kid.

No way to stop you then
but I can take charge now,
out go all the bad dreams
I'll live my life somehow.

I'll write the bad things down
on a lantern today,
I'll light it so it burns
and takes bad thoughts away.

When I've let it all go
and it's burnt out in the sky,
my life will start that day
just watch and see me fly.

Author Notes
The catharsis will be complete. Thank you to Google images for the picture.


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