- My Love Jaq Cee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Sometimes lust seems the only option.
My Life in words
: My Love Hope. by Jaq Cee

Smouldering looks which turn my head
Tongue flicking lips no words are said

Eyes bore through my sensual core
Teasing, tantalise, I want more

Pulling me tightly into you
lust pours out from every sinew

You confuse my senses when you're near
My battered heart so full of fear

Fear of feelings which seem pure lust
Fear of your words I may not trust

How will I know just what this means?
Carnal pleasure? Desired dreams?

Do I accept that lust will suffice?
My hope of love gone in a trice?

Deep inside my worn out psyche
I do want love that's just for me

I shall hold on to lasting trust
love will find me, no room for lust.


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