- What do you see?by Jaq Cee
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Writing can be interpreted so many different ways.
My Life in words
: What do you see? by Jaq Cee

Is your inkling just a blot?

Or wondrous poem fair?

Is it just an ugly smudge?

Or does it tell a story clear?

Does your ink scream artistic bliss?

Or a mass of seething envy?

Does it shout out filth and mire?

Or just to those who think it pervy?

Do you censor every verse?

Or just each sculpted line?

Do you draw red pen through words?

Or just those you deem a crime?

Censorship is wrong you know,
in every shape and form.
It dulls the senses so much so,
mediocrity becomes the norm.

Author Notes
What may be unacceptable to one person may be acceptable to many more.

Like the Rorschach ink blot test, we don't all see the same.

Thanks to Google images for the picture.


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