- Life's Wonderful Dance??by Jaq Cee
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About being robbed of a life, A cathartic piece.
My Life in words
: Life's Wonderful Dance?? by Jaq Cee

Throwing in the towel now, it's time to go;
You thought I was coping, you weren't to know.
I had you all fooled, it really wasn't hard;
Last throw of the dice, last turn of the card.

All I ever wanted but never had a chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

How could you know what possessed my troubled mind?
Hidden for years, now I must leave it behind.
These sad lonely thoughts, all consuming, oppressive,
The Devil works with my mind, he's obsessive.

All I ever wanted but never had the chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

Sharp bladed knives, these thoughts shred my mind,
Tears fall like hard rain with rivers to find.
Spiraling downwards, falling so fast,
Quicker and quicker now, back to my past.

All I ever wanted but never had a chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

"Life is for the living", people always profess,
Never understood it, I have to confess.
'Living' means one thing to you, to me another,
Flailing blindly through 'life', eyes always covered.

All I ever wanted but never had a chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

I feel it's time to check out, go on my merry way;
My daughter wipes my tears away, thoughts start to sway.
Roles in reverse, as my child comforts me,
My reason for living may yet set me free.

All I ever wanted but never had the chance,
Was at least to compete in life's wonderful dance.

Author Notes
Thanks to Google images for the picture.

Many thanks to Rama Devi helping with the flow of the poem. Many blessings my friend. :) Jaq x


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