- Ability to Jaq Cee
This work has reached the exceptional level
Guilt-ridden because I can't cry.
My Life in words
: Ability to care. by Jaq Cee

My ability to care
has abandoned me.
Totally deserted
I am all at sea.
My feelings did hurt
at times so bad.
I used to feel happy
then sometimes so sad.
I'm bereft of emotion
which has now departed,
I can't cry for my father
I'm so broken-hearted.
People all around me
with tears in their eyes,
watching and waiting
for mine to actualise.
Will it ever return?
Can my guilt be set free?
Has my ability to care
truly abandoned me?

Author Notes
My Dad has just had cardiac surgery and I just feel numb.

Actualise (British spelling)Thanks ro Leighcryan for the beautiful drawing.


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