- Life Jaq Cee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
About the effect childhood abuse has through the childs life
My Life in words
: Life Stealer. by Jaq Cee

Childhood hopes, laughter and dreams,
sunny days, life ahead couldn't be any clearer.
Soon it becomes, fear, guilt and dismay,
life's gone, taken by the Life Stealer.

Eight years old life should be fun,
nothing to worry you, somewhere to go.
Instead it's all too soon at an end,
dread, angst, incredible pain deep below.

Cry!! Shout out!! it's of no use,
there's no one there to help.
Mentally, physically, pinned by fear,
"go on, scream, cry, whelp"!!

'Who'll believe you? It's your fault",
"you're bad, you know that don't you?".
"Lie down there, you're all mine now",
"to do with, as I want to".

God will hear my silent cries,
you will God, please, won't you?
Come down here like an avenging angel,
pierce his heart straight through.

No one's there, once again, even God's astray,
no last minute reprieve, not for me, again no cavalry.
Another day of guilt and fear, that's all that I can see,
no hope's, nor dreams, no normal life for me.

Love is lust, there is no love, sex it is for me,
no loving couplings to be had, it's all just carnal affair's.
Maybe one day when I'm am absolved from being very bad,
I'll have that love and find sex isn't all that's to be had.

My youth is gone, my childhood shanghaied,
my hope disappeared, as the end draws ever nearer.
It could have been so very different for me,
had it not been for that damned Life Stealer.

Author Notes
Sometimes abusers need to hear just what they have stolen from the child.


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