- II Timothy 2:15by pharp
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II Timothy 2:15 by pharp
My Favorite Bible Verse writing prompt entry

"Study to show thyself approved
unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth."

This verse is very dear to my heart, for it opened my eyes to the truth.

I always relied on what preachers taught, lacking understanding, not
giving God's word a second thought.

Finally, one day, sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way my life
was headed; I sincerely repented of my sins and accepted Christ in my life.

I now recognize God's word is not given by man, nor taught but revealed;
His word is made known to those who diligently seek Him. I am now faithfully
committed in seeking the truth of His word. I will continue to seek wisdom
and knowledge from God and study His word daily, verse by verse.

I thank and praise God, for opening my eyes to the word of truth and for
saving me.

Writing Prompt
Pick your favorite verse from the bible and use it as your title.
Tell me within 200 words why it is your favorite verse. Please do not abuse the word count. I look forward to reading the entries.

Author Notes
Please feel free to bring errors to my attention.


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