- Part three, Chapter 10by barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
The judge makes his decision.
Lonely Hearts Meet
: Part three, Chapter 10 by barbara.wilkey

Anna is a young mother striving to find a way out of an abusive marriage. She meets a stranger, Troy. Troy fights his own demons. Can they help each other find love, or are their struggles too much?

When Anna and Paul walked through the Sorensons' front door, Betty and Troy greeted them.

Troy studied his dad. "How long are you going to keep us in suspense?"

"We don't know anything. Judge Kirk said he'll make his decision by Wednesday. So we wait."

Betty touched Anna's arm. "Michael went down for a nap about twenty minutes ago." She glanced toward Paul. "How do you think things went?"

"On the stand Bobby showed every symptom of an abuser, male supremacy, no accountability for his actions, and cruelty to animals. He didn't come across as caring for his son or apologetic for his actions. The judge should rule in our favor." He kissed Betty's cheek. "I'm hungry. When's dinner?"

"Not for a few hours. It's only three-thirty."

"We figured everyone would need a snack." Margaret set a tray of cheese and crackers on an end table. "Betty and I were ready."

Paul grabbed a few crackers and cheese as he left to answer the door bell.

"What do you want me to do about the P.I?" Everett asked as he and Paul joined everyone in the living room.

"Nothing, he won't find anything on Anna. Mrs. Rodgers is just wasting money. Can you stay for dinner?"

Anna turned to Betty. "Where's Michael sleeping? I want to check on him."

"He's in one of the spare bedrooms. I'll show you."

The two women walked down the hall to a room with the door cracked open.

Anna stepped inside, leaned over the sleeping infant, and whispered, "I love you. I'll do my best to keep you safe."

Betty put her arm around Anna's shoulders. "We'll all work to protect him and you."

"I know and I'm grateful." Anna scanned the room. "I see you turned this room into a nursery."

"I thought Michael would be more comfortable in a crib. This one easily turns into a toddler bed when he's ready."

Anna smiled. "You're spoiling him rotten." She sighed. "And me too."

"Good. You both deserve it." Betty turned toward the door. "Let's join the others and let Michael sleep."

Wednesday morning Anna opened her door for Paul. "I'm almost ready. Michael's going to cry when he has to return to day care."

Paul laughed. "I think Betty will too." He scanned the room. "Ready?"

"I just need my purse. The diaper bag's packed."

Paul grabbed it and picked up Michael. "Come on big guy, Grandma Betty's waiting."

As they stood outside, Anna locked the door. "When do you think Michael can return to day care?"

"We'll see how today goes. If Mrs. Rodgers is reasonable, things can get back to normal tomorrow."

Paul and Anna walked into the courtroom and sat behind the plaintiff's table. He opened his briefcase and glanced at his watch. "It'll all be over shortly."

Eric Young walked in and whispered something in Paul's ear. Paul nodded, stood, and said to Anna, "I'll be right back."

The two attorneys walked into the hall.

Anna glanced around the empty courtroom. I doubt any of those chairs will be filled. How long is this going to take? I wonder what Paul and Mr. Young are discussing. She poured herself a glass of water from a provided pitcher and sipped. After she ran her hand along the edge of the table, she tapped her fingers. I didn't notice a few days ago this table was made of wood.

As the two attorneys returned and took their seats, a police officer brought a handcuffed Bobby into the room.

The bailiff announced, "All rise."

Judge Kirk entered and glanced around before he sat behind the dark wooden desk. "Good morning. I see all parties involved are present." He reviewed the paperwork before him. "I decree the marriage between Anna Marie Rodgers and Robert Leroy Rodgers be dissolved as of today."

Anna let out a slow deep breath.

"The minor child," the judge glanced toward Anna, before he continued, "the plaintiff will retain custody. As for visitation," he turned toward Bobby, "after you have successfully completed anger management and parenting classes, you will have restricted visitation every other Saturday afternoon for two hours. A person designated by the court will accompany you while you're in the presence of the minor child."

Bobby bent his head down and shook it. "You just don't understand how dumb this woman is."

The judge glared at Bobby and leaned closer. "Another word from you and you'll be ejected from my courtroom." He paused, before he continued, "You will pay Mrs. Rodgers $300 child support on the first of every month. You'll pay at the courthouse and we'll make sure Mrs. Rodgers receives it. You will support your child or end up back in jail. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." Bobby continued shaking his head.

"The respondent is responsible for all court costs." The judge closed the file.

I can't believe this is really happening. Bobby has to actually pay child support and court costs. Anna glanced toward Bobby. His glare reminded her how dangerous he could be. Her stomach turned and she felt weak.

The bailiff announced, "All rise."

While trying to stand, Anna wobbled.

Paul reached over and assisted her. When Judge Kirk left the room, Paul leaned over and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Not really. This was a mistake. Bobby's really angry now. He'll kill me for sure." Tears streamed down her cheeks.

As a police officer escorted Bobby from the room, Bobby laughed. "I'm glad you're scared. You'll be punished for disobeying me."


Author Notes
SAFE (stop abuse for everyone)

National Domestic Violence Hotline (800)799-7233
Each state has it's own hotline number.

If you are new to reading me, please understand that I do not post entire chapters. They are too long to post at one time. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Tips following your seperation from the abuser:-

Seek legal advice; re contact orders/residence applications

Pre-programme emergency number into phone and screen calls/change door locks

Install security system/cameral/lighting

Ensure neighbours/employers/schools etc are aware of any orders against the abuser and action to be taken

Consider changing routes and time of travel to and from school and work

Avoid areas known to be frequented by the abuser

Record any further incidents accurately

Keep any texts/emails and record any telephone conversations where ever possible


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