- Comfort Soughtby jlsavell
This work has reached the exceptional level
Remembering my grandmother and my mother
Comfort Sought by jlsavell

I strolled upon the field kissed with morning dew
Along the path, familiar and serene
Where ancient oaks bristle to morn's anew
and nature's sunrise symphony does convene

The scent of sunflowers hovers amidst their song
Consorting with lavender and Queen Ann's Lace
Dragonflies and bumblebees humming along;
while God's Monarchs gambol with heavenly grace

I pause to take in the splendor of this day
and rest beneath the old oak where once we'd sleep,
or talk of life and think of fun games to play
 Remembrance old evoked my soul to weep

Softly I pray, hoping God will just provide
answers to my aching heart and searching mind
For beyond the veil of life, do you reside
and if you do, will this realm to you be kind?

In solemn thought, I hear the breath of God's breeze
Its warm whisper wings across my falling tears
Within that moment, a voice, just a tease
Acquainted, like one who once soothed my fears

I gaze past the lush knoll, trod by creature's flight,
and standing on his hind-legs staunch, a brown hare
Guarded and still, his eyes glared beyond my sight
A presence I sensed while turning toward his stare

Again the fragrant draft swirled in brisk swift dance
Then a mutter so faint, I rose to seek its place,
and for an instant I thought I caught a glance
of your simple, spirited, sweet, loving face

The words I heard were like music to my soul
Vivid, as if you were demanding that I hear
"Sweet child, I'm near, always near, my spirit whole
You've grieved o'er my grave far too long, dry your tears."

Above me the old oak fluttered its spring guise
Jostling its feathered guests, fast away they flew
Upward, toward the most breathtaking sunny skies
Past the verdant fields where your lavender grew

In that moment I felt a peace I've not known
Your child has passed. For two, your granddaughter grieves
But my stroll through the past, your presence was shown
Perhaps just in my mind, still my heart believes

Happy Mother's Day, sweet Emma, rest in peace
This woman's love for you and for mom will never cease



Author Notes
Thank you hondodude for Bit Of Lavender


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