- Jealousy!!by keimosobie
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The bed was empty.
Little Billy
: Jealousy!! by keimosobie
This Sentence Starts The Story contest entry

The bed was empty. I sat in the quiet room contemplating the events of the night before. The image of you lying on the bed. Your auburn hair spilled casually around your head. The way your essence filled the room with a hush. Like a silent snow fall in the woods, each snowflake tenderly touching the earth blanketing it. The way your love had blanketed me a thousand times before simple and pure. I can see your body groan, the way you breathe, sucking in the electric charged air, quietly through parted lips. The way you tussle about as if you would crawl out of your skin.

You must know my heart aches for you. When everyone and everything on this earth has let me down you are the one thing I could hold on to. To cherish more then life itself. The one thing I believe in. As I sit and look at our empty bed I dare not get in it less it consumes me. I listen to the wind blow through the tall oak outside our window. The leaves dance about telling me they understand. The moon shines light through the window and I am lost. Frozen in this chair. I know not where to go. The memory of yesterday is so clear it's like you're still there only this time I long to see you.

To say it did not matter is only to deny our love. It did matter; it meant everything. I suspected for some time. The way you would speak to me. So hurtful. Denying that you ever loved me. You denied that there was someone else, but I had to be sure. The pain and fear that gripped me every time you came home late. Knowing you were angry with me no matter how hard I tried to make you happy. I was searching for the clues to put the puzzle together, but there were too many pieces missing.

Then there was the convention in Philadelphia that we were supposed to go to together. You started a fight with me over the laundry and refused to go with me for the weekend so I had to go alone. I called you at home Friday night from the convention hotel lobby, but there was no answer. I wondered what you, my wife could be doing.

I was sick to my stomach with fear. I left the convention and rented a car and drove the six hours from Philadelphia to our home on Suffolk, Long Island. I was sure that it was my imagination. I do let it get the best of me from time to time. I got to our house around 4am.

I drove by the house once. All the lights were out except a dim light in our bedroom window upstairs. Only your car in the driveway. I felt foolish. I wondered, Should I go in? I did not want you to know how crazy and jealous I was, driving here in the middle of the night. You would say I was a jealous fool. I decided to drive back to Philadelphia and never tell you that I got so jealous. I did not get far from you when a voice inside me told me to turn around. I had to see your face. I still did not want you to know how crazy and jealous I was, so I parked up the street. I let myself in the backdoor away from the stairs so you would not hear me. Thinking you were probably fast asleep I crept through the house. As I got closer I could hear you with someone else. Faintly at first then louder. Moaning and heavy breathing the every noise I heard was pure torment to me.

I crept up the stairs afraid to go in. Afraid to realize what I had subconsciously known all the time. I opened the door and stood for a moment. I could only focus on you. You were so beautiful. I raised the double barreled shot gun and aimed it at you. Thankfully you never opened your eyes.


Author Notes
First attempt at fiction.


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