- Chapter 11; part oneby barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Sara refects on Cassie as a child.
Another Pretty Face
: Chapter 11; part one by barbara.wilkey

While Col. Joe Barnes visited his parents, he was reacquainted with his best friend's baby sister, Sara. Sara became pregnant during her senior year and raised her daughter, Cassie by herself. His best friend, Josh, was killed during Desert Storm.

Wednesday Morning
6:15 A.M.

Joe opened the bathroom door and stared at Sara's naked body as she dried off. "Excuse me. I thought you were still asleep."

"Sorry. I thought you'd left." She covered herself with the towel.

Joe shut it and leaned against the wall. Only three and half days ago we made love. It seems a lifetime ago.

Through the closed door, Sara interrupted his thoughts. "Joe, I need to ...."

"We'll talk after you're dressed."

"But you'll be gone."

"I'll wait," he said over his shoulder as he answered the knock at the front door.

Joe held it open for George and called to Jim and Derek sitting in the car, "I'll be there in a few minutes."

As Sara opened the door, Joe walked toward her.

Sara stared beyond him. "The men are outside, but you waited for me."

George went to the kitchen. "I need a cup of coffee."

"Of course." His eyes widened. "I told you I would."

"I know. I didn't think you really would. Your work's important and I didn't think ...."

"You didn't think you were important enough for me to wait for?" Joe interrupted as he completed her sentence and took her hands. "You're very important to me." He glanced toward the door. "We have new information that I need to follow-up on."

She released a deep breath. "I just wanted to say thank you for holding me last night. It was the first night I slept even a few hours since Cassie's disappearance."

Joe put his arms around her and drew her closer. "I'll be late tonight, but we'll talk when I get back." He kissed the side of her head and grinned. "You better start painting if you plan on finishing today."

George stepped into the room.

Joe faced him. "I'll stay in touch."

As Joe opened the door, Sara called, "Joe, wait." She went to the computer desk, opened a drawer, and thumbed through some papers. She picked up a photograph. "Here." She offered it to him. "It's the most recent picture of Cassie and me. You asked for it a few days ago. Maybe you don't remember."

He kissed her cheek. "Thank you. I remembered but thought with everything that's happened you'd forgotten."

"I didn't forget." She put her arms around his neck.

He squeezed her. "What's really going on?"

"I just needed another hug."

"Are you sure that's all it is?"

After taking a deep breath, she swallowed. "I have a feeling something's wrong. I can't put my finger on it, but I couldn't stand it if you went missing too. Please be careful."

"Nothing's going to happen to me."

George stepped closer. "I can't paint the room by myself. Let's get busy."

She stepped back from Joe and chewed on her fingernail "Bye."

"I love you, Sara." He turned and left. The screen door shut behind him.
Sara watched until the car pulled away from the curb and disappeared out of sight.

Sara stared at the wall she had just finished painting, then sighed as she answered the ringing telephone. "Dani, did Joe ask you to call me?"

"I spoke with him a few hours ago," Dani answered in a cautious voice. "He mentioned you had an especially hard morning and I offered to call."

"As you updated Joe on information you found on the computer, I'm supposed to believe he casually mentioned, oh by the way, Sara had a rough morning."

"Joe did call to get updated information. His voice sounded more intense than usual, so I asked what was bothering him. He declined to answer, but I know him too well. He finally admitted he was worried about you. He didn't ask me to call. I'm calling because I'm concerned about both of you." She paused before she continued, "I can be there in a few hours, if you need me."

"Why would you do that for me? You hardly know me."

"We've already been through this. Joe's like a big brother and he's in love with you and Cassie so you're family. It's that simple." When Sara didn't respond, Dani asked, "How's everything between you and Joe?"

"You get right to the point, don't you?" Sara laughed.

"Emily and Drew are napping. With an infant and a toddler in the house, I don't have a lot of time. They never sleep long enough."

"Once Cassie started walking, she gave up her naps."

"Tell me about you and Joe. The last time we talked you were worried Joe's feelings for you had changed."

"He told me he loved me this morning."

"I told you his feelings hadn't changed. Are you still concerned he could hurt you or Cassie?"

"Not as much. This morning he did something that showed me how important I am to him."

"You sound like that surprised you, why?"

"Other than my parents and Cassie, I've never been important to anybody." She paused. "It made me feel good."

"Joe's a special man. I'm happy for both of you."

"Dani ...." Sara hesitated, before she continued, "I have a feeling something big's going to happen or has already happened. Do you know anything?"

"I can't go into detail over the phone, but yes some situations have changed. Have you talked to George about it?"

"No. I figured he wouldn't tell me anything."

Dani laughed. "Before Matt and I were married the helicopter he was riding on crashed in Colombia. I bugged Joe and George so much they couldn't wait to tell me everything. I even hacked into Frank Steven's computer. He was the chief of Task Force 385 at the time. Darn, Emily's awake. George will tell you what he can. He's one of the good guys."

"Sure he won't mind?"

"I'm positive. If you need to talk, don't hesitate to call."

After Sara hung up, she walked into the bedroom and stood beside George. "Dani says something's big about to happen. What's going on?"

George put his paint roller in the tray, took Sara's hand and led her into the living room. "Have a seat." He sat on the couch beside her. "Dani found a warehouse address where the child pornography videos are shipped from. It's about fifteen miles southeast from here. We hope that's where they're holding Cassie. Matt sent extra men and we're doing around the clock surveillance."

"This is dangerous, isn't it?"

"It could be." He rubbed the back of his neck. "The situation changes often, so I don't know exactly what's going on this minute."

Sara glanced toward the bedroom. "You're left behind to babysit me, aren't you?"

"Babysit is a harsh term."

"You're helping me paint the house."

"Your way of handling the stress is to keep busy."

Not sure how to respond, she changed the subject. "Dani and Matt are very much in love, aren't they?"

"They are, but changing subjects won't help." He touched her arm. "I don't mind helping you paint. Joe and I are partners and my contribution to this mission is making sure you're safe. Since you're safe, Joe doesn't have to worry about you and can do the job he's hired to do."

She stood, walked into the bedroom, bent down, and lifted her paint roller. "Maybe I should get back to painting. Think Cassie would like her room painted?"

He laughed. "Let's finish this room before we discuss our next project." He glanced toward the door. "We still have the kitchen and hallway to paint."

Sara sat on the swing in the backyard and stared at the stars. When she heard the kitchen door close, she turned and watched Joe walk toward her. "I didn't think you'd be back so early." She smiled. "I'm glad you are."

"We couldn't get a warrant. There's no change in the situation. So here I am. Why are you sitting out here?"

She rubbed her hand down the green metal pole of the swing set. "Grandma babysat Cassie after school and during the summers. She bought this swing set because Cassie preferred the great outdoors." She studied the edge of the yard and pointed. "Grandma fenced in the yard because Cassie loved to explore."

She stared at Joe. "Cassie hates to be inside. I have a vision of her in a small, dark, dirty room with a pencil size beam of sunlight peeking through. I know I've watched too many movies, but ...."

Joe glanced at his feet, then at Sara's face. "I don't know anything about Cassie's living conditions. There are too many scenarios to even make an educated guess."

"Do you think they're feeding her? She's not starving to death, is she?"

"I'd guess her basic needs are being met. They need her to look attractive."

"What you're not saying is they need her to look seductive, so they'll sell more videos."

Joe pushed the swing.

Sara allowed the swing to move back and forth a few times, before she asked, "Do you think Cassie's sexy?"

He took a deep breath. "I'm old enough to be Cassie's father. No, I don't think she's sexy, but I do think she's a cute kid."

"She's only fourteen." Sara stood. "How could a man find her stimulating?"

"I don't know. I've never understood the world of child pornography and I'm glad I don't." Joe stepped closer to Sara. "The youngest woman I've ever found attractive is nine years younger than me."

She pushed the empty swing, avoiding his eyes. "I'm thirty-two and that's nine years younger than you, could I be that women?" She grinned. "Am I too young?"

He put his arms around her and grinned. "Only if you continue to wish on stars."

She leaned her head against his shoulder, then stepped back and her eyes met his. "Will this ever be over?"

"I hope so." He drew her closer.

Sara put her arms around his neck and accepted the comfort his arms offered.

Joe stepped back and removed the cell phone from his pocket. "Damn, I'm sorry." After listening, he took a deep breath and put it away. His jaw clenched. "Our surveillance team says it's time to move. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll send George to stay with you."

"That won't be necessary. I'll be fine until morning. Please be careful."

He held her, then kissed her before he left.


Author Notes
Thank you KJ Photography for your artwork Vacancy. I think this artwork reflects how Sara felt as she thought about the swing set.

It took longer than expected to begin to feel better after my last chemo treatment, but I'm doing much better. I have my third round of chemo on Wednesday. Just when I start to feel good again, then I get another treatment. It won't last forever, or so they say. (LOL)

I want to thank all my fans for your prayers and blessing. They do help and I do feel them.

This post is about 300 words longer than I normally post. I hope you don't mind. I thought this was the best place to split the chapter.


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