- Back at the Cyber Cafeby Sasha
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Carmen's near-death experience
Back at the Cyber Cafe by Sasha

I am back at my favorite home away from home,the cyber cafe down the street from my apartment. Two nights ago we had a major rain storm with the usual two feet of water flowing in the streets and enough lightning to power a small city for a month. I remembered to do what my geekie friends told me and unplugged my television and computer as soon as the first bolt of lightning struck. I have learned the hard way that people who know everything often take it for granted that you know as much as they do and don't always remember to include EVERYTHING. YES, I unplugged my computer and television but NO I did not think to disconnect the cables too. Yup, a fairly impressive bolt of lightning struck the cable, traveled up the line and into both my computer AND television. Aside from being an awesome sight, it literally fried my computer's power supply yet oddly did nothing to harm my television.

The point to all this is my computer is at the local hospital getting a heart transplant and a long overdo triple by-pass surgery. The doctors says Carmen (that is my computer's name (if men can name their body parts, I can name my computer)will be fine and after a few days rest should be back to her old perky self.

There is no point to this post other than to let you know I will NOT be reviewing much while Carmen is recuperating. It is just too difficult to type on a Spanish keyboard and type knowing the spell check is also in Spanish.


Author Notes
I classified this post as Romance just for the heck of it so don 't get yourself all worked up. It was that or Horror and Thriller. The painting I am using to illustrate this is one I did but has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with this post (or romance either)I am allowing reviews so you guys can at least make a few points and a couple of pennies just from reading this. Some one has to get something positive out of this.

Please note: For some reason this computer (the one with the Spanish key board) will not let me review this post before I have no doubt it is spaglicious.


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