- Incompetenceby fionageorge
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Incompetence by fionageorge
Minimalist Diagnostic Acrostic contest entry



Author Notes
Contest Entry:
Write a Minimalist Acrostic poem using ANY theme word you wish but it must be at least 10 letters or more.

Minimalist style means only ONE word per line allowed and in its entirety the Acrostic must read as a legitimate sentence.

Punctuation allowed but only commas and you may use TWO only. No full stops, but exclamation marks are allowed at the end if required.

NO partly abbreviated or made up words. e.g. if using an X for instance "X-tra"/"X-tremely" etc are not acceptable

Lastly, you may NOT use the theme or title word or derivatives in any way as one of the lines in the Acrostic.

For example if title word is "IMAGINATION" you cannot use "imagine", "imagining", "imaginative" ... you get the drift.

Harsh rules I know ... and the entry fee is higher than average so not for the faint hearted.

We are currently going through a 'Federal Election' in Australia. Promises and Talk Fests galore. Not really considerating consequences, just policital point-scoring, to win power. No different here to any other country - although some worse than others!

This is my take on those political debates.

There may be some good ones amongst them - but gee, they're hard to find! More like a pack of monkeys, all squawking at once!

Sorry to all the monkey lovers (I am one of them - this is metaphorically speaking - probably an insult to the monkeys!)

Artwork - pulled together by me fom various cliparts.


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