- Step By Stepby Judith Ann
This work has reached the exceptional level
Devotional based on Isaiah 9:1-9
Step By Step by Judith Ann

While on a short-term mission trip to Honduras a few years ago, I discovered how important it is to walk with a light. Having left my lantern back at the compound, I found myself gingerly picking my way back from dinner and evening devotions in total darkness. Forced to choreograph each step cautiously, it became a matter of life and death. The unfamiliar path, peppered with stones and unexpected dips in the terrain, contributed to my mounting fear. Moving forward was dangerous without proper illumination.

I discovered what it is like to walk in total darkness, without any light to spread along the path before me. It is inevitable I will stumble, fall or at the very least stub my toes.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2 NIV)

This experience reminded me of the many years that I did walk in darkness. I needed much more than a flashlight to show me where I needed to step next. Once I began walking with the light of Jesus to guide me, I could never imagine moving forward any other way.


Author Notes
Thank you to ArtemisX for God's Flashlight, the perfect accompaniment to this story of God's Light.

This is an other Approximately 200 word devotional to be posted next week on my church's website. Thanks for reading and reviewing.


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