- Chapter 15; part 1by barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Steven leaves Leya to get a cup of coffee.
Tantalizing Eyes
: Chapter 15; part 1 by barbara.wilkey

Steven works for Task Force 385 and is ordered to protect Leya Vegas. She's the granddaughter of a famous drug lord. Steven marries her to protect her from an arranged marriage. Peggy requests to be put on Steven's team to protect him from Leya.


The sun peeked through the window and Steven awoke, rubbing his eyes. He had a stiff neck and backache from sleeping in the straight-backed chair. He stood, stretched, and checked Leya, making certain she was asleep. I wonder if I complained about how uncomfortable that chair is, they'd do something about it. Maybe a cup of coffee will help me wake up. I only have a few hours to convince Leya to come home with me before she's discharged. He bent down and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Mrs. Albright. I'll be right back. I need some coffee." As he opened the door, he turned and made sure she was asleep.

Steven stopped at the main hall and took a sip of coffee. He blew out air. "Man, that's hot." He turned the corner toward Leya's room. Something hit the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.

Steven woke to a hovering nurse. In the corner of his eye, he saw Ralph rushing to him. "What happened?" Ralph and the nurse helped Steven to his feet.

Steven rubbed the back of his head and cringed as his fingers touched the lump. "I'm not sure."

He looked at the dark brown puddle on the floor. "I went for coffee and was hit from behind." He glanced down the hall. "Leya!" Steven and Ralph ran to her empty room.

The plump nurse followed. "Major Albright, a doctor needs to examine that lump."

Steven ignored her, as he and Ralph surveyed the condition of Leya's room. The blankets were half on and half off the bed. The tray holding the water pitcher was knocked over.

Steven called hospital security, "A patient, Mrs. Leya Albright, was abducted from her room. Close off the exits. There's a possibility she hasn't been removed yet."

Ralph called Matt's cell as he said to Steven, "Let the nurse look at your head."

"I'm fine."

Within minutes, a slender security guard entered the room. "How can I help?"

"We need to secure this room until we can process it." Steven closed his eyes in pain, then opened them. "I need to view all security tapes."

The guard notified the security office, "We need the security tapes in room 103 ASAP." He turned to Steven. "They're on their way."

"Matt and the team will arrive in about an hour and a half." Ralph put his phone inside his pocket.

Steven heard Ralph, but turned toward the guard. "Is there a tape player we can use?" The pain in his head forced him to cringe and rub the lump.

Ralph sighed. "You're in pain. You need to take care of yourself. At least let a doctor examine you."

The nurse called a doctor and got ice for Steven's lump. The doctor's examination showed Steven had a severe concussion.

Ralph heard the doctor's report and watched Steven vomit. "I can take care of things until Matt and the men arrive."

Steven sat down. "Leya's my wife." He released a deep breath. "I'm well enough to search for her." He attempted to stand, but with his head still spinning he almost fell.

Ralph grabbed him. "At least stay seated."

The security guard showed Steven and Ralph to a room where they could view the tapes. Steven's fist hit a table. "Leya's on that bed right in front of me. We met at the intersection. I was close enough to touch her. I did nothing to stop them."

He pointed. "Just as they pushed Leya around the corner, I was hit from behind. Did you see that?"

"I don't think the men knew who you were or they would've killed you." Ralph scratched his head. "They probably thought you were an innocent bystander who could later identify them."

The tapes from outside the hospital showed the men loading Leya into an early 1990's white Ford Explorer. Steven made some phone calls and ordered Task Force helicopters to search for the Explorer.

While Steven and Ralph processed Leya's room for evidence, Matt and Joe arrived. Steven told them about the information they'd gathered from the tapes, and the four of them continued processing the room.

Matt faxed fingerprints they'd gathered to Task Force. Bob, Jim, Derek, and Geoff arrived.

Steven was surprised to see Geoff. "Are you sure you're ready to return to active duty?"

Geoff studied Steven's eyes. "I'm in better shape than you are. At least I don't have a pounding headache, upset stomach, or dizziness."

"Point taken. Thank you for volunteering." He looked at each of the four men in turn. "We know there were at least three Hispanic men, so we're probably dealing with the Vegas Cartel. They're probably avenging Hector's death. Ralph and I didn't recognize any of the men, but Matt might." He glanced toward Matt. "We've discussed setting up the control room in Ralph's hotel room."

Matt thought a few moments. "May not have enough room. Maybe the hotel has a conference room." He stopped in mid-thought. "I better study the security tape then visit with our friendly sheriff. I wonder how many secluded cabins there are in a twenty-five mile radius?" He started to leave but turned toward Steven. "We'll find her, but you need to take care of yourself. You look like hell. Let the team do the leg work. That's an order."

One of the larger hotels had a conference room that was quickly turned into a control room. While the team searched for information, Steven set up the computer Matt had brought.

Matt returned around 1800 hours with his hands full of topographical maps. "I have maps of the area and information on fifteen secluded cabins. Any of them could be used to hide Leya."

He glanced up as he heard the sound of a helicopter overhead. "Helicopters are searching the entire area for the Ford Explorer. If they don't find anything by first light, we'll divide up and search the area on foot." He turned toward Steven. "Feeling any better?"

"As good as one can feel when your wife's been kidnapped."

Eric and Michael walked into the conference room, and Michael joked, "I heard an expert sniper was needed."

Steven's eyebrows rose. "What are you doing here?"

Eric grinned. "We caught the first flight from Colombia to help, and now you don't want our help?"

Steven slapped his back. "Of course, I want your help. But I'm surprised to see you. Come on, I have a concussion and my brain's working slowly. Give me a break."

"Your brain works slowly without a concussion." Michael chuckled.

Matt joined the discussion. "Do either of you have information that might help us find Leya?"

"Yep." Eric poured himself a cup of coffee. "The Vegas Cartel's in an uproar because Hector's been missing for at least a day." His eyes widened as he stared at Matt. "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Matt rubbed his chin. "So they don't know Leya shot him? If the Vegas Cartel didn't kidnap Leya, who did?"

"Leya shot him? What happened?" Eric studied Steven.

"I was doing some fishing at the cabin when Hector showed up. He was about to shoot me when Leya walked in and shot him." Steven shoved his hands in his pockets.

Eric took a long drink of coffee. "I've discovered it was Carlos' men who drugged and beat up Geoff." Eric set his cup down. "As for the current situation; I'm speculating Carlos is responsible for Leya being kidnapped."

He added more cream before he continued, "Steven, I know you're close friends with Peggy, but it looks like she's the government agent who's helping the Martinez Cartel. She's in debt to Carlos somewhere around $150,000 in off-shore betting. I have all the details."

"We figured out a few days ago that the Martinez Cartel was involved with Geoff's attack and they're the ones we bought the 90% pure cocaine from as few weeks back. We didn't know about Peggy's betting, but it doesn't surprise me. She's a piece of work. Tell us something we don't know," Matt said, glancing toward Eric.

"Carlos's father died about a month ago, of supposedly natural causes. I'd like to see the autopsy. Anyway, Carlos is trying to assert his power. Once Hector went missing, he called a meeting of the major South American drug lords and stated since he was contracted to marry Leya he should inherit Hector's business."

Eric took a drink of coffee. "Leya has four younger brothers and two uncles who are contesting Carlos' claim. If he legally marries Leya, they can't contest it."

Steven paced the floor. "Damn! We need to find Leya. He's already beaten her twice. We're legally married, so she's in real danger."

Matt patted Steven's shoulder. "We'll find her, but you need to stay away from this situation. Carlos wants control of the family business. He won't hesitate killing you."

"Leya's my wife. It's my job to do everything I can to protect her!" He glared at Matt. "If this were Dani, you wouldn't take a back seat."

"You're right, but--be careful."

Eric glanced at Steven. "When did this marriage turn into the real thing?"

"Since the 'I do'." Ralph chuckled.

Eric grinned. "I see." He ran his fingers through his hair. "You have about a day to find Leya. The drug lord conference is supposed to last two days. An undercover agent from Ray's team will call me when Carlos leaves Colombia."

Matt paced and thought. "Just want to make sure I understand everything. Carlos had Leya kidnapped so he could force her to marry him. He needs to be married to Leya, so nobody can contest him taking over Hector's business. Carlos is in a meeting at least for another day, so we've twenty-four hours to find Leya, before she's in real danger."

Ralph sighed. "You're sort of right. We need to remember Leya's an extremely beautiful woman and is wearing only a hospital gown. Her kidnappers may want to sample the goods, simply because they're horny. Leya already made sure Carlos knows she's not a virgin, so they don't need to be careful with the merchandise."

Matt released a deep breath. "Let's quit talking about finding her and do it. We'll divide up and search the cabins tonight. Use extra caution. Michael and Bob, take the four cabins on the north side of the river."

After Matt showed them on the map where the cabins were located, they left. Eric and Geoff took four cabins on the south side of the river. Jim and Derek were assigned the four on the west. Ralph stayed in the control room to process any new information that came in. Matt and Steven took the three on the east side of the river.


Author Notes
Thank you Creator's Touch for the lovely art work 'Spooky Night'. I'm sorry about the length, but I felt there wasn't a good place to split it. I would also like to thank my fans for hanging in there with me. There are only 14 pages left.


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