- Chapter 11; part 1by barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Leya answers Steven's question.
Tantalizing Eyes
: Chapter 11; part 1 by barbara.wilkey

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
Steven works for Task Force 385 and is ordered to protect Leya Vegas. She's the granddaughter of a famous drug lord. Steven marries her to protect her from an arranged marriage. Peggy requests to be put on Steven's team to protect him from Leya.


When Steven returned to the safe house from his meeting, the men had already sat at the table for dinner. Steven searched around the room. "Where's Leya?"

"I knocked on her door and told her dinner was ready. She should be coming any minute." Jim glanced toward the hallway. "How was your meeting?"

"Very informative, I received updates on the drug cartels." Steven smiled as he watched Leya enter the dining room. He assisted her with the chair and whispered, "We need to talk after dinner."

Leya's eyebrows rose. "What about?"

Steven winked at her, but continued the discussion with the team, "Matt has discovered the man I stabbed while rescuing Emily wasn't Carlos' cousin, but his half brother. It seems Carlos' father had at least one extramarital affair."

He watched for Leya's reaction as he said, "Not only has the Vegas family sworn to kill Leya on sight, but they and the Martinez family also put a hit on me." He accepted a bowl of salad from Ralph and passed it to Leya. "There's a $25,000 bounty on each of our heads."

After a gulp, Leya whispered, "I'm not surprised. These are common orders for anyone who crosses my father or his associates." She looked at Steven. "I'm surprised the bounty isn't higher on you for all the trouble Matt's team has caused." Folding her napkin, she set it beside her place setting. "If you don't mind, I'm going to my room." She left the table.

Before she shut the door, she heard Steven's voice, "Leya, wait, I need to speak with you."

"Yes?" She stood at her door, without turning toward him.

"May I come in? We need to talk privately."

"I guess," she said, but hesitated before entering her room.

After closing the door, Steven sat in the chair beside the wall. There was a long pause, before he said, "You admitted last night you knew I'd never physically hurt you, but you said there were other ways to hurt somebody. Are you afraid I might hurt you in some other way?"

She walked over to the window and stared out. "I wish I was as free as that squirrel." She folded her arms across her chest. "This view is OK. The other safe house had a better one, but I can hear crickets and bullfrogs better from this window."

After a few moments of silence, he asked, "Why are you avoiding my question?"

She turned away from the window, but avoided his overpowering green eyes. "The reason I don't want to answer the question is partly the answer to it."

He stood. "Now that really confuses me. Please explain." He walked to her, took her hand, and led her to the bed. "Let's sit."

As she sat, he continued, "We've been honest with each other and have discussed almost everything, no matter how embarrassing. I don't want us to stop talking. Do you?"

"No." She inhaled a deep breath.

He lifted her chin and searched her eyes. "But what?"

"You're not going to give up, are you?"

"I care too much for you to allow you to quit being open." He caressed her hand with his thumb. "Talk to me."

"I'm afraid you could emotionally hurt me."

He swallowed and then cleared his throat. "Please continue."

She carefully chose her words before she continued, "I know my background prevents our relationship from ever becoming serious but I've grown very fond of you. It would hurt if I lost our friendship."

"I'm very fond of you also and I'd be hurt if I lost your friendship." He squeezed her hand. "I'm not planning on going anywhere. Are you?"

She smiled and glanced around the room. "No, I guess not. I'm pretty much stuck here."

Steven stood and teased, "That's true. I'd better get back. The men are probably cracking jokes about why I've been in here so long. I'll see you in the morning."

Leya walked him to the door. "Good night."

As Steven exited the door, he turned and their eyes met. The yearning for the forbidden kiss became irresistible. Their hypnotized bodies gave in to the magnetizing attraction and they crept closer. Their lips merged. Steven fulfilled the passion he'd withheld, unable to deny the love he felt. This can't happen she needs rest.

Steven wrapped his arms around Leya and drew her closer as their bodies melted together. She parted her lips beckoning for more. His tongue entwined with hers as her flowery sweet scent enticed his senses. "You need rest."

The back of Leya's legs touched the edge of the mattress, as she whispered, "Your love will heal me."

Steven's kisses left her lips and crept down her neck. As the promise of fulfilled love engulfed Steven, his heart pounded.

Lowering the neck of Leya's T-shirt, he kissed southward down her cleavage.

Leya slightly arched her back and started to remove the T-shirt.

He placed his hands over hers and whispered, "Let me. As I undress you, I want to enjoy every inch of your beautiful body."

Slowly, he raised her T-shirt, kissing, nipping her stomach, and caressing her deep olive, delicate skin. When the shirt was even with her breasts, he eased it over her head, slipped his hand under the bra, and fondled her breasts.

Leya, without hesitation, unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt, and her hands outlined each defined muscle of his chest and fingered his nipples. Leya continued until every button was undone and his chest was familiar. Leaning forward she pushed the shirt from his shoulders.

Desires raged within his steeled member. I'd better slow down. Steven kissed and caressed the area surrounding her bra. Finally, he raised her enough to slip his hand under her and freed the hooks.

Exposing her abundant breasts, he dropped the bra to the floor; his heart pounded, as he caressed her breasts. Finally. Pausing, he stared into her eyes as he raised himself and whispered, "I love you." After circling each nipple with his tongue, he suckled the right breast while massaging the left one. He paused, kissing her lips, before switching breasts.

Leya nibbled and massaged Steven's chest, as soft whispers of satisfaction escaped her lips.

A moan louder than the rest, caused Steven to leave her breasts. "So you like that?"

She closed her eyes, releasing a deep breath. "Oh yes."

His lips slid down her toned stomach until he came to the waistband of her jeans. He mouthed the button and glanced up for approval. After Leya nodded, he unfastened her jeans and then unzipped them, exposing a white lace thong with only traces of black pubic hair peaking through. Hummm, bikini ready.

As he lowered the jeans, his tongue outlined the edge of the remaining piece of cloth. Kneeling at the foot of the bed, he licked and suckled each toe.

Leya scooted down to the foot of the bed, unfastened his belt, and then unzipped his jeans. Lowering his jeans and boxer briefs, she rotated her thumb over the slit.

Lifting her to the head of the bed, Steven fingered the strap of her thong before he pulled it off. He devoured the sight before him. She's more beautiful than I ever imagined.

As Leya sat up, Steven groaned. She moved her long black curly hair behind her shoulders, exposing both breasts. He lowered himself to her mound. After he spread her lips, she lay back in the bed and spread her legs. As he licked and sucked, she succumbed to the pleasure.

There's no way she's a virgin. When her passion became uncontrollable, Steven crawled on top. He continued massaging between her legs before he entered her. When he felt a membrane, he halted.

Leya groaned. "No!"

Never expecting that, he raised himself and inserted two fingers. I've never been with a virgin. He kissed her lips, before he said, "Leya, what now?"

She reached for and gripped his member, moving her hand up and down. "Continue."

He massaged between her legs, preparing her. When she could no longer control her hunger, he entered her pushing through the membrane. She gasped at his invasion. "Steven!"

"It'll stop hurting." He lowered his mouth to her lips in a reassuring kiss.

Leya blew out a deep breath, as her eyes met his. "Don't stop."

He began to rapidly thrust in her. When she arched to meet his movements, he stroke even faster. They moved in cadence to the dance of old. He lowered his hand to stroke her where their bodies merged causing her to stiffen as she climaxed. His lips covered hers. "Shh, this house has ears."

Unable to hold back any longer, he erupted and kissed her before he whispered, "We're officially married."

It took a few moments for him to compose himself, then he released a deep breath before he moved from her and scooted Leya to his side. She placed her head on his chest and fingered his muscles and nipples.

Steven's hand caressed her back and soon lowered to her rear-end. Leya moved her leg across Steven's.

She leaned up and kissed him, before she mounted his shaft.

"Whoa tiger, I knew making love with you would be enjoyable, but you need to rest. Please explain how a virgin can be so knowledgeable in the art of making love?" He placed his hands on her hips and moved them up and down on his member.

"I read a lot." Her breathing became heavier.

His body joined the rhythm. "You learned that in a book?"

"You want to read the same books?" She closed her eyes as moans escaped her lips.

"You think I need to read a book, huh?" His thrusts became stronger.

"You wrote it. I'm ..." her voice trailed off as she climaxed.


Author Notes
I am very nervous about this post. Please be gentle. Thank you for all my fans. I know I have said this before, but I could not do this without all of your support. Thank you for MKPHOTO for sharing your artwork "At The Edge".


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