- Chapter 10; part 4by barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Steven learns information about the drug cartels.
Tantalizing Eyes
: Chapter 10; part 4 by barbara.wilkey

Steven works for Task Force 385 and is ordered to protect Leya Vegas. She's the granddaughter of a famous drug lord. Steven marries her to protect her from an arranged marriage. Peggy requests to be put on Steven's team to protect him from Leya.

This chapter is setting background for future posts.

As Leya moved containers around inside the refrigerator, Steven asked, "Hungry?"

She jumped and bumped her head on the door. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I startled you. Did you hurt yourself?"

"No." She shook her head.

Steven turned on the light. "What's wrong? It's more than me coming up behind you."

"It's almost midnight. I'd better go to my room."

"Why?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "I saved some dinner." He took out a plate and set it in the microwave. "Now, tell me what's really going on."

"I missed dinner, so I assumed I wasn't allowed to eat."


"While growing up, if any of us missed a meal for any reason, my father wouldn't allow us to eat until the next meal. Once at the other house, Jim told Peggy since she was late to breakfast she was out of luck."

"I'm in charge of this house and anybody can eat whenever they're hungry. As for Jim and Peggy, if she missed breakfast there probably wasn't any left, but she still could have fixed herself something." He thought for a moment. "You've gotten food for your cat?"

"He was starving and doesn't eat very much. He only eats scraps; that's different." She rubbed her stomach. "I'm not starving, just hungry."

"What punishment did your dad impose on somebody for taking food from the kitchen?"

She stared at the floor.

When the microwave beeped, Steven removed the plate and handed it to her. "You don't need to answer, I understand. Let's sit at the table." He held the chair as she sat. "Don't ever be afraid to help yourself to something to eat." He paused before he added, "You don't need to be afraid of anything while in this house."

"Only teasing, right?" She took a bite of chicken. "This is as good as it smells."

"You'll be teased, but like I said before, teasing means they like you. No one in this house would ever hurt you."

Ralph walked into the dining room and growled, "What's all the noise about in the middle of the night?"

Steven shook his head. "I just told Leya that she doesn't need to be afraid of anyone and you start growling."

Ralph bent down and squeezed Leya's shoulder as he gave her a hug. "She knows I'm loud, but harmless."

Leya reached up and squeezed his hand. "He's a big teddy bear."

Steven chuckled. "I'm not sure we're talking about the same man."

Ralph walked away shaking his head.

Steven's hand covered Leya's. "You know I'd never hurt you, don't you?"

When she didn't answer, Steven started worrying as she stood, took the plate of half-eaten food to the kitchen, took another bite, and said, "I'm going to my room."

He held her arm. "Leya?" After a deep breath, he continued, "I'd never hurt you."

Their eyes met. She swallowed before she said, "I know you'd never physically hurt me, but there are other ways to hurt somebody." She went to her room.

Steven stood in the kitchen trying to understand what she meant. Wanting to ask, he decided to wait until morning.

Unable to sleep, Steven thought about Leya's comment. As he stared out the bedroom window, he repeated, "There's other ways to hurt somebody. What did she mean by that?"

Early the following morning, Steven paced the hall outside Leya's bedroom, waiting for her to wake up. He was upset when he received a call from Matt saying he was needed for a meeting at Task Force 385. He'd have to wait until evening to talk with Leya.


Author Notes
Thank you Swank Photography for the beautiful artwork. Thank you for reviewing and your continued support. I value your input.


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