- The Romeo'sby jmdg1954
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A lifetime of love
The Romeo's by jmdg1954
Valentine Writing Assignment writing prompt entry

   Oops. Something went wrong. Oops. Something went totally wrong! What happened? Alec questioned himself staring at the inside of the door to his condo which just moments ago was slammed in his face.

   "Here I am an adult and I just said the word oops twice in the same thought. No wonder she walked out." He was fuming. He spent a lot of time planning every detail for this Valentine's Day dinner only to see it fizzle out moments after Jen arrived. Alec poured himself a glass of "Fat Bastard Shiraz", and traced his every step from the afternoon.

   At 3:00 pm I went over to the Farmers Market to buy fresh produce. Next, it was over to the Atlantic Seafood Market for fresh salmon. After that, a quick stop at the stationary store. Oops, I almost forgot, then I went ... there I go again with this oops.

   "Where was I?" He said aloud, leaning against the bar. "The boutique, where I bought that silky red- laced, see- through, oh I love it, never- take -it- out- of- the- box, teddy, because if I wear it, it will give me goosebumpies."

   Taking a deep sigh, "then, I went to purchase Godiva Chocolate, of course her favorite. Holy cow everything this chick likes revolves around food." He snickered realizing what he said. "Oops, I said chick. Oops I said oops again. I said oops again. Oops. Oops. Oops"

   "Alec, wake up." Jen nudged her husbands shoulder. "Alec, Alec, wake up! You fell asleep in your recliner. We have to get ready to go."

   "Hmm, what did you say? I can't hear you, my hearing aids aren't in."

   "Well put 'em in, you gotta get washed up. The Senior Center bus comes in a half-hour."

   "Bus? For what?" Alec was confused.

   "Tell me you forgot! Today's Valentines Day. You and your friends, you know, The Romeos agreed to take out their sweethearts."

   "We did? You sure?"

   "Yes I'm sure, now get up, put your teeth in and comb those 9 hairs left on your head. We're going to Denny's for the Early Bird Special."

   "But the Romeo's is a guy's night out. Remember ... Retired Old Men Eating Out, hence the word Romeo."

   "Yea, yea, come on Romeo before we miss the early bird. Get up."

   "Allright, allright. Can you push my walker closer?"

   "Hurry." Jen was anxious. She loved the early bird from Denny's.

   "Hey, Jen, I was just dreaming. Remember that Valentines night you walked out before I could propose to you?"

   "Yeah, Alec you don't let me forget."

   "Forty-nine years ago, seems like yesterday."

   Jen laughed. "Alec, you don't remember dinner last night. Anyway, it was fifty-six years ago."

  "Jen, you came back to the condo that night. Remember what we did? ... I have one Viagra left."

  "Come here Romeo ... you paid the life insurance this month, right?"

Writing Prompt
Please write a humourous flash fiction story set on Valentine's Day beginning with the sentence given in the announcement.


Author Notes
Word count 486....


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