- Buzzing for Actionby Begin Again
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She had a plan.......
Buzzing for Action by Begin Again
Valentine Writing Assignment writing prompt entry

Oops. Something went wrong. Seriously wrong.

Three days ago, Leonard informed Simone that they wouldn't be celebrating Valentine's Day; no gifts, no dinner, no flowers, he wanted to spend a quiet night at home watching a movie.

Simone was heart-broken. She loved Leonard and thought he felt the same.

Undaunted, she put a plan in motion to leave work early, slip into his house, greet him at the door dressed as a French Maid, and change his mind about celebrating.

Her spirits plummeted as she approached Leonard's house. His car in the driveway derailed her plan.

She drove down the street, deflated.

A few blocks away, she pulled into a parking lot surrounded by huge bushes and evergreens. A new plan formed.

She parked near the far edge of the lot. Clutching the outfit, she exited the car and disappeared into the thick foliage.

She unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the ground. She pulled her shirt over her head. Her cologne attracted a bumblebee.

"Shoo!" Adorned only in her black bra and panties, Simone waved her hand, "Shoo! Go find a flower."

As she bent to get her outfit, the bee landed on her bare shoulder. She swatted it away.

Taking offense, the bee dive-bombed her head. Squealing, she stumbled backwards into the branches. At the sound of a thump, her eyes flew open wide. A swarm of bees exited their disturbed hive.

Terrified, she ran from the bushes, unaware the factory shift was changing. Shocked by the naked, screaming woman, the people watched in disbelief. A woman grabbed a blanket from her car and wrapped it around Simone's trembling body.

Soon, the quiet parking lot buzzed with people, an ambulance, a fire truck, police, a beekeeper and a television camera crew.

Simone hung her head in embarrassment as the EMT examined the bee stings. Her heart raced at the sound of a familiar voice. Leonard climbed into the ambulance.

"How did ---."

"The cameraman's a friend of mine. He called."

"Ohhhh! Noooo! Cameras?"

"They were filming a segment with the owner. Dick automatically focused his camera on you when he heard the screaming."

The EMT struggled to suppress his amusement, thinking of the nightly news footage.

Simone burst into tears. Leonard squeezed her hand. "Honey, just what were you doing?"

"Sur ... pris ... ing you," she sniffled.

Perplexed, he continued, "I don't understand."

"You weren't supposed to be home. I wanted to greet you in ---." She waved her hand at the outfit. "So you'd change your mind about being alone."

"I'm confused. You didn't want an evening of just us two?"

"Two? You mean --."

"Of course, I wanted to be alone with you." He reached into his pocket. "To give you this." This wasn't his plan, but he slipped the diamond on her finger. "Will you be my Valentine?"

Amidst flashing lights and watching eyes, they kissed.

Writing Prompt
Please write a humourous flash fiction story set on Valentine's Day beginning with the sentence given in the announcement.


Author Notes
Word Count - 488


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