- Wrong Email Addressby Thesis
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An Honest Mistake Creates Havoc
Wrong Email Address by Thesis
Valentine Writing Assignment writing prompt entry

Oops. Something went wrong. Actually, it went worse than wrong.

Just before Christmas, I received an email from one of my friends who was trying to hook me up with his cousin, Robin. He sent me a picture of her and told me she was going to be staying with him and his family for the summer, suggesting if I liked her, I should begin exchanging emails with her to get to know her before she arrived.

The picture he sent, showed his gorgeous cousin with long blonde hair, a fantastic figure and sexy green eyes, made me drool. He also sent me her email address, Robin227. Not wasting any time, I wrote her a message.

I basically explained who I was and how I got her picture. I told her I wanted to get to know her a little, before we met. I was trying to eliminate that awkward first meeting and break the ice via the Internet. She agreed, wanting to know more about what I liked and she was thrilled that I had seen her picture.

We started messaging each other ten times a day. With our hormones racing our conversations were becoming R rated and we began telling each other about some romantic encounters we wanted to explore with each other.

On Valentines Day, I received an attachment to her email. She said: "I can't wait to meet you in person. You sound like the man of my dreams. Attached is a new picture of me with a special card I made just for you. I hope you like it. I just can't wait to do all those naughty things we discussed."

I was elated. Here was a gorgeous girl telling me she wanted to get intimate with me, the nerdy kid who didn't have a girlfriend in High School. How cool is this.

Opening the attachment, I felt sick. I called my friend, Ryan.

"Dude, I just got a really disturbing email from your cousin."

"My cousin? Dude, she said you never contacted her."

"What? I've been messaging her ten times a day."

"What email address are you using?"

I told him the email address was Robin327, and he burst out laughing.

"I did that once too. I typed the wrong number in her email address and was talking to some transvestite guy. Dude, does this guy think you like him? Ha ha ha, this is priceless."

"It's worse than that. He must think I'm gay. Shit, he sent me a picture of him in drag with a sign telling me I'm the one. What do I do now?"

"You're on your own, dude!"

Writing Prompt
Please write a humourous flash fiction story set on Valentine's Day beginning with the sentence given in the announcement.


Author Notes
439 words.

I couldn't resist using this photo for the contest. I was looking through my files for a photo, when I realized I have some pretty weird shots. Thanks for seeing the humor in my story.


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