- Chapter 7; part 1by barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Peggy's purpose is revealed.
Tantalizing Eyes
: Chapter 7; part 1 by barbara.wilkey

Steven works for Task Force 385 and is ordered to protect Leya Vegas. She's the granddaughter of a famous drug lord. Steven marries her to protect her from an arranged marriage. Peggy requests to be put on Steven's team to protect him from Leya.


Steven moaned in pleasure as he felt a warm body slither in bed behind him. He rolled over and wrapped his arm around her. "Having problems sleeping, again?" A sharp slap stung his cheek, and he yelled, "What the hell?" He turned on the light and beside him lay a very angry Peggy.

"So you are used to sharing your bed with Ms. Vegas?"

"I'm not used to sharing a bed with anyone. What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious what I'm doing here?"


Without warning, Peggy slid on top of Steven. Before he could respond, she kissed him passionately.

"What's got into you?" Steven lifted her by the shoulders and rolled away. "What's got into you? We're friends, only friends. One time close friends, but now I'm not sure how close."

Peggy smiled as she slid the shoulder straps from her gown. "More than close friends. Let me show you how close we could be." She stepped from the discarded gown and took two steps toward him. "I'm in love with you. Look at me and how much I want you."

Steven stepped back and reached for a discarded blanket. "Peggy, please don't do this. I'm your supervisor." He extended the blanket so it shielded her lithe body from his gaze. "I don't know where you got the idea we could be more than friends, but you must realize that isn't possible."

For several momments, Peggy studied her prey before bending down to recover her nightgown. Seductively, she wiggled into it and pulled it to her waist. "I'm like any other female. I want a husband and family and my biological clock is in high gear." She lifted her left breast and inserted it into the lacy support structure of the nightgown. "See, even they have a mind of their own when that clock's ticking." She gestured to her upright nipples.

Unsure what to do next, Steven stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't help your biological clock's timing, Peggy. It doesn't have anything to do with me."

As she secured her right breast into the nightgown, Peggy continued, "Do you know I compare every man to you? That's why I decided you would be the perfect husband."

"I understand, but it's not possible. There's no simple way to say this, but I think of you as part of the team and I can't allow personal feelings on my team."

"You're a West Point graduate, a major in the U.S. Army, and a team chief for Task Force 385. You've destroyed your career by marrying Ramon Vegas' granddaughter. Any chance for job advancement went down the drain when you said I do."

"I'm fully aware of what I've done." He released a deep breath. "I've told you before my personal life is none of your business."

"I'm sure she's not nearly as well educated as you are. She's been pampered her entire life so doesn't have a work ethic. Since her family manufactures and sells drugs, she probably uses herself." Peggy scooted closer to Steven. "You're blinded because she dresses seductively. If she wasn't around, you'd realize I'm the right woman for you."

"Leya has nothing to do with me not wanting a relationship with you. I've told you, I think of you as one of the guys."

She took his hand and placed it on her breast. "Follow my lead and I'll prove I'm not one of the guys. I'll give you ecstasy like you've never known," she whispered.

He yanked his hand back. "I've tried to be nice, but it hasn't worked. I don't love you and could never love you. You've embarrassed yourself enough for one night. You need to leave." He held the bedroom door open for her.

After she exited, he closed the door and leaned against it. Leya was right. Peggy thinks she's in love with me. Now what? He wondered how to handle this new problem.

The following morning, Steven finished his five-mile run and grabbed a towel. When he saw Leya enter the gym wearing the excerise clothes, he grinned. "Good morning. I see you're ready to work out."

She glanced down at her clothes. "Do I look all right?"

"You look perfect." He wiped the sweat from his face.

Her cheeks turned pink as she scanned the area. "Am I late? Why didn't you wait for me?"

"You're on time. I wanted to get my run over before you came down. By the time you're finished with the treadmill, I'll be finished with the weights, then I'll help you with them."

Peggy walked in wearing a multi-colored spandex exercise outfit and stood on the treadmill beside Leya. Steven glanced at the clock on the wall, then toward her. "PT (physical training) started at 0600 hours. You're late."

"I had things to take care of." She glared at Leya. "I see Ms. Vegas is on time."

He sighed and shook his head. "You're not wearing the Task Force 385 regulation PT uniform."

Peggy leaned her head toward Leya. "Neither is she."

"Leya's closer than you are. Do I need to remind you Leya isn't an employee of Task Force 385? You are."

Leya's hand tangled with a strap and pulled the safety button from the treadmill. The treadmill came to an immediate halt. She stumbled and fell from the rear of the treadmill.

Steven stopped her from falling to the ground. "You all right?"

Her cheeks turned pink. "I'm fine. What happened?" She watched Steven replace the button and he restarted the treadmill.

"The treadmill stopped when you accidentally pulled the safety button."

Peggy laughed and began running. "I see walking on a treadmill isn't one of her talents, but her fingernails look perfect."

Leya turned toward Peggy. "I've done nothing to you. Why do you hate me?"

"I have reasons, but nothing to concern your pretty little head with."

Leya released a deep breath, but remained silent.

Steven stood beside Leya and waited. Neither woman continued speaking, so he began lifting weights.

When Steven finished, he led Leya to the weight area.

Peggy stretched and said, "That was a quick five miles."

Leya glanced at Steven. "Should I keep track of how far I've walked?"

He glared at Peggy. "It doesn't matter. Let's get started." He helped Leya with the chest curl machine. Peggy used free weights and did the same exercise, only with more weight and better form. This continued until they completed all the machines.

When they finished, Steven led Leya to the staircase. "When you finish showering, come down for breakfast." After he watched Leya walk up the stairs, he went to his office to check if any messages needed his immediate attention.

Through the closed door, Steven heard, "You can't just walk away from me." He opened the door, and Peggy stood there with her hands on her hips. She continued, "I don't understand why you're so interested in Ms. Vegas? You know nothing about this woman."

"Matt gave me this file yesterday," he interrupted as he reached for a folder on top of the desk.

"It's Leya's background check. She was privately tutored until twelve years old and then came to the United States for further education. She went to the most exclusive girl's finishing school, then to Yale where she studied pre-med. She took this year off because her great aunt became ill. She plans on returning to school in the fall."

"But that doesn't tell you what she's like. How do you know she's not a serial killer?"

"According to this, she's never even had a traffic ticket. Her father never included her in his business, because she's female. She's basically a trophy; plus somebody he can marry off to enhance his drug cartel." He set the file down. "I don't have time for this, I need to shower."

Peggy stomped off and over her shoulder yelled, "It means nothing. You still don't know what she's like. How do you know you can trust her? I can prove you can't trust her."


Author Notes

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