- For My Eyes Onlyby Begin Again
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The heat of the moment and then ....
For My Eyes Only by Begin Again
Starts & Stops the next round contest entry

The way his voice caressed her name made me tremble. Only in my dreams had I known a love so powerful, where every spoken word oozed passion and desire.

Tucked in a corner booth of my favorite cafe, I pretended to read my romance novel, while my eyes peered across the top of its pages. A young couple snuggled in the booth directly across from me, oblivious to their surroundings. Their unabashed display of raw emotions mesmerized me.

Ashamed of my intrusion, I forced myself to turn away, but his soft gentle words drifted in the air, enticing me to listen as if he spoke directly to me.

Long ago, I, too, experienced the heat of passion and the wondrous glory of love. Young and foolish, I freely gave my heart away and accepted his in return, thinking he meant it to be forever. At the end of summer, he whispered goodbye and my heart shattered into a million pieces. I swept it up, packed it away and promised never to expose myself to such agonizing pain again. Instead, I satisfied my fantasy with the provocative written words of steamy romance novels.

Until this very moment, I accepted my plight, but the heat of his smoldering words awakened my aching heart. I couldn't deny the tidal wave of emotions that whirled inside my mind. The fortress around my heart collapsed like dominos as I inhaled stray remnants of their passion.

In my love-starved eyes, he was a Greek God. His taut muscles strained against his pale blue silk shirt as he leaned closer to her. My mind raced as I thought of the pleasures his lips could offer. His dark eyes, chiseled chin, and sensual voice would arouse the desire of any woman.

She was a vision of beauty with long flowing auburn hair, emerald green eyes and a soft pouty lower lip that summoned him to kiss her. He held her long ivory fingers in his strong masculine hands, gently brushing his lips across each fingertip before placing her hand against his rugged cheek.

Decency told me to turn away, but like a moth drawn to a flame, I was swept up into the intimacy of the moment. I could not tear myself away. A gasp escaped my lips when he pulled her close, whispering words I strained to hear. I imagined his warm breath against my face.

Closing my eyes, I pictured myself wrapped in those vise-like arms, discovering the pleasures he could bestow. To love and be loved by this man would be the greatest gift of all time. My fantasy took flight as I was carried away in bliss. The heat of the moment flushed my body as my imagination ran wild.

His image seared my mind and I stared at him again. As I watched his mouth open to speak, preparing to surrender to his velvet words, he said in a voice devoid of sensuality,
"Wow! That was great, Melody. I'm glad you could meet me to rehearse our lines."

Rehearse! My heart slammed against the walls of my chest. I crashed back into reality.

Moments ago, passion oozed from this man and my imagination had skyrocketed. Now ice water ran through my veins. My dreams lay scattered on the floor. I clutched my novel to my chest, struggling with my emotions.

My eyes lingered on his back as they left the cafe. Opening my novel, I sighed, softly whispering, "It hurts too much to love you."


Author Notes
I was required to use two sentences as the beginning and ending of my story.

My starting sentence was:

The way his voice caressed her name made me tremble.

And my ending sentence was:
"It hurts too much to love you."


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