- Setting the Rulesby Begin Again
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3 Months ago, Max walked back into her life
The Ice Princess
: Setting the Rules by Begin Again


Three months ago, Reilly looked up from her desk to find Max's 6'1", muscular frame filling the doorway. She thought it impossible, but he looked sexier than she remembered. Old memories rushed to taunt her, leaving her flushed and speechless. A surly smile twisted his lips while his cold, steel blue eyes locked on her. When he spoke, icicles formed on every word.

"So what do you know, the girl next door grew up to be the famous Ice Princess. All the lawyers in this town and I end up with you." If he had physically slapped her face, the sting couldn't have hurt more.

The water cooler gossip hounds referred to her as the Ice Princess, not merely because of her courtroom demeanor, but because of her refusal to date any available male. Her personal life consisted of Macy and that's how she wanted it.

"Max ... It's been a long time." To the unsuspecting onlooker, her face was an unemotional mask. Her college professor once told her "never let them see you sweat" and she'd mastered the trait. "So you're the hotshot I'm expected to save."

"Once a bad boy, always a bad boy, I guess.  You, on the other hand, appear to have perfected the art of chopping men off at their knees." His stony expression didn't waver.

If he expected her to flinch from his bitterness, he was a fool. Her cool courtroom face disguised the emotional turmoil raging through her veins. His eyes drifted lazily across her, lingering over her well-endowed chest. She pretended not to notice.

"Sit down, Max." She indicated a chair by her desk. Needing to compose herself, she skimmed through some papers, pretending to search for something. She hadn't heard him move, but suddenly he leaned dangerously close to her face. The musky scent of his cologne drifted under her nose. When his lips brushed across her cheek, she jerked away. She could feel the heat in her face. A low chuckle escaped his lips.

"Hmmm ... appears as if the Ice Princess might have a weakness, after all." Having made his point, he reclaimed his chair and waited.

"Let's get something straight between us, Max. You need an excellent lawyer and I'm the best in this town. My boss wants me to represent you, and like it or not, that's what I'm expected to do. As for our past, it's a closed chapter. Do I make myself clear?"

A lazy smile touched his lips, "I place my body in your very capable hands." His play on words stirred memories she preferred to leave forgotten. She knew he was toying with her, so she resisted a sharp retort.

"It's my responsibility to convince twelve jurors that you're innocent. That's going to be a full-time job. If you're looking for your next conquest, it's not here. Do you understand?"

"Whatever you say, Princess."

"You can drop the sarcasm, too. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life in prison, we have a big job ahead of us. You're a client and nothing else. I work hard for my clients and I don't like to lose. Though seeing you in prison garb might just make my heart sing." It was her turn to smile.

Their eyes locked briefly, before Reilly started firing questions at him. The high-powered criminal lawyer was back in control.



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