- A Mother's Fearby Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
A serial killer is abducting young girls
The Ice Princess
: A Mother's Fear by Begin Again


            Tues. Dec. 22, 2009           

- Human bones found in desert -


New Mexico authorities released information regarding the gruesome discovery of two bodies uncovered by construction workers in a 45-acre housing development. Both victims, buried in shallow graves, were female and under the age of twelve.

* * * * * * *

Popping two pieces of wheat bread into the toaster, Reilly punched in Hanna's telephone number and waited for her to answer. Nibbling the inside of her lower lip, she read the gruesome murder details. She'd represented some sick bastards, but never anyone who murdered innocent children.

"Hanna, have you seen the Herald?" She tossed the newspaper on the counter, buttering her toast as she spoke. "They found two more bodies."

"Dios mio, mis bebes dulce." Upset, Hanna slipped into Spanish. "My sweet babies. What kind of monster does these horrible things?"

"I don't know. But as long as he's out there, everyone is going to be terrified, including me." She shivered. "After I wrap up this case, I think I'll take Macy on a vacation, far from this lunatic."

"It would be good for both of you." Hanna was one of God's angels. From the moment she answered Reilly's babysitting ad, they'd been family. Hanna loved Macy as if she were her own grandchild.

"I know, I know. I'm really going to do it this time." She'd planned several vacations, but at the last minute, a big case would always change those plans. "I have to be in court early. I just wanted to make sure you were picking up Macy this morning." She checked her watch, "I'll need to leave by 7:15."

"Don't you worry, honey. Give me about twenty minutes. Just have to get these tired bones up out of the chair." A soft chuckle rippled through the telephone. "Don't you be worryin' about Macy. I'll keep a close eye on her."

"That's why I love you so much. Macy and I would be lost without you."

After an ugly divorce, her ex-husband, Trent vanished except for an occasional birthday card for Macy. It wasn't easy being a high-powered lawyer and a single mother of an energetic eight-year-old. Both jobs required long, demanding hours.

"It's a two way street, honey. I'd be sittin' out back in my rockin' chair, wastin' away if I didn't have you and Macy." Sniffling, she continued, "Let me hang up so I can get over there. Love you, Rei. You tell my little princess not to keep me waitin'."

"I love you, too." She hung up the telephone. Pouring a mug of steaming coffee, she sat down at the table. A smile briefly crossed her face as she listened to Macy moving around upstairs, then she thought about those innocent dead girls and the smile disappeared.

Reilly couldn't explain it; she'd seen plenty of gruesome murders. One doesn't earn the reputation of being a man-eater in the courtroom by being squeamish. Time after time, her petite 5'2" frame stood toe to toe with Whipton's esteemed District Attorney, refusing to be intimidated. Her acquittal ratio of 95% proved her ability to fight for what she believed in. Nevertheless, Whipton's finest had no clues to this latest psycho's identity. As a mother, she was terrified.

"Mommy, Hanna's here. Will you be home early tonight?" Macy smiled, tossing her blonde curly hair away from her face, before leaning to kiss her mother's cheek.

Returning the kiss, Reilly ruffled Macy's hair. "I'll be home early. Did you think I forgot about our shopping date?"

Macy dropped her head, scuffing her tennis shoe against the floor. "Well, you have been busy and you said something about wrapping up a case."

Putting her arms around her daughter, Reilly pulled her tight against her chest. "Mommy will never be too busy for you. Don't you ever forget that!" A horn honked outside in the driveway. "Hanna's waiting. You better hurry."

"I love you, Mommy"

"I love you more, sweetheart."

"Oh almost forgot, I put my Christmas list on the refrigerator. When we're shopping, maybe I can show you some of the stuff." Blowing a kiss, she hurried toward the door. "I'm coming. Stop honking the horn." Scurrying across the sidewalk, she climbed into Hanna's old Buick.

Reilly walked over to the car and leaned through the window. "Thanks for coming early."

"No problem." Turning to Macy, she teased, "If she get's any slower though, I might leave her." Hanna's portly body jiggled with laughter.

"Oh, Hanna, you wouldn't leave me." Looking more comical than indignant, she made a face.

"You're right. I could never leave you." They called goodbye as Reilly returned to the house.

Reilly swallowed the last bite of toast and emptied her coffee cup. She had an
8 o'clock appointment with Max Saladino, a SWAT team officer accused of shooting an unarmed man. She'd been representing him for three months, but their personal history went back fourteen years. As teenagers in college, they'd fallen in love but he'd broken her heart. She'd never forgotten the love they shared nor had she forgiven him.




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