- Tomorrow Never Comesby fastdigits
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Time Stood Still
Tomorrow Never Comes by fastdigits
100 Word Story writing prompt entry

We lined up on the beach, the troop ship towering above us, the wind singing as if in pain. We carried our knapsacks up the gangway, one of a family of heroes on a mission of necessity.

We stood at the railing of this giant ship watching as the bow breached the stinging waves. It expelled a white, foamy fountain of water, traveling the length of the vessel until it disappeared in a raging vortex of churning water that vanished into the distant horizon where clouds meet the sea.

Two years later, there were fewer of us lining the railing as we crossed the International Date Line, where today once more became today. I thought back to those that would never get their tomorrow back, lost forever in the madness of war.

Writing Prompt
Write a story that is between 100 and 150 words. The trick is you must use the following words: family - sing - carry - sting - rage - fountain - breach - beach - stand - cloud. Words may be used in differet formats (for example: cloud, clouds or cloudy)


Author Notes
The International Date Line, when crossing from West to East one loses a day, ie, Wednesday becomes Friday, and in the reverse, from East to West, Wednesday becomes Wednesday.


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