- Chapter 2 Part 2by barbara.wilkey
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Dani leaves the hospital.
Tantalizing Eyes
: Chapter 2 Part 2 by barbara.wilkey

At the end of the last post Leya noticed how handsome she thought Steven was. At the beginning of this chapter, Dani notices Leya's attraction.

Dani covered her mouth, hid her smile, and watched Leya ogle Steven. "Steven's single, a workaholic, and a little shy." Dani put Emily against her chest and rubbed her back. "Maybe you could change that."

"I'm sorry." Leya stared at her white knuckles clutching the back of the chair, as her cheeks turned pink. After she took three deep breaths, she turned her head abruptly. "What did you say?"

"I said Steven's single, in case you're interested." She smiled, as the infant burped.

"He despises me and made some sarcastic remark about me being another stubborn female." Leya moved the chair beside Dani's bed and glanced toward Steven before she sat.

"That's OK." Dani's eyes sparkled. "Task Force men like strong women. They complain about us, but wouldn't have it any other way." She paused before changing the subject. "Why'd you betray your family for my baby?"

"I'm tired of living a life surrounded by violence." Leya wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "I'll never have a normal life if my family continues this war with Task Force 385."

Her finger caressed Emily's arm before she added, "I couldn't allow this innocent little one to suffer because Miguel wants to avenge something that was our family's fault in the first place."

Dani sighed, watching Emily's pediatrician and Joe walk into the room.

Standing beside the bed, the doctor said, "Mrs. Patterson, I need to examine this young lady. I'll have her back in your arms in less than thirty minutes."

"You're not taking my daughter anywhere. She's staying with me." Dani cradled the infant closer to her body.

Matt had followed the men into the room. "Dani, I understand your reluctance, but Emily needs to be examined."

After rubbing her daughter's back, she sighed. "I'll let her leave if Joe and Steven can stay with her."

Matt rubbed the back of his neck but nodded.

When Joe walked past Matt, he whispered, "The necessary precautions are in place for Emily to go home. An incubator will be there within the hour. A nurse will arrive by 1600 hours." He glanced toward Dani. "I assured the doctor you have a helicopter at your disposal and the infant will be no more than fifteen minutes from the hospital. Once she's cleared, we're ready to leave."

Within minutes, a nurse came to help Dani dress, and Matt pointed toward the door. "Senorita Vegas, would you like a cup of coffee?" As they walked toward the cafeteria, Matt took a deep breath and glanced at her. "Arrangements have been made for you to stay at a safe house."

"What about my clothes?"

"It won't be safe for you to get your things. You can buy what you need on the way. I detailed a Task Force team to protect you. You can trust these men with your life."

When the pediatrician returned with Emily, he carried a file with him. "Since you're taking the infant home today, against my advice, there's some paperwork we need to discuss." He thumbed through the file and then handed Dani some papers.

Matt motioned for Steven to follow him to the hall, but his eyes remained on Dani, as he said, "I'm sitting this one out. I can't put my family or the entire Task Force at risk. Until Emily's out of danger, I'm on leave. Good luck, but remember I'm only a phone call away."

A nurse pushed a wheelchair into Dani's room and Matt followed. Within minutes, Matt, Dani, and Emily left the hospital.

The room was so silent Steven thought he heard his heart beating. He ran his hand through his hair, sighed, and then scanned the surroundings. Finally, he broke the silence, "Are you going to speak English, or are we going to do this in Spanish?" He hesitated to make his point before he said, "A proposito, domino el Espanol. Es tu' preferencia." (By the way, I'm fluent in Spanish. It's your choice.)

Leya glared at him. "I will not apologize for my earlier actions. I didn't know if I could trust you. In fact, I'm still not sure I can. General Patterson said I could trust you with my life." She glared into his eyes. "I'm not convinced."

"Come on." He hated this assignment. Holding her arm, he led her toward the exit.

As they waited for the elevator, he stared at her. "I've covered Matt's back on numerous occasions. He has every reason to trust me. I, by the way, wasn't caught lying. Recuerda?" (Remember?)

Steven gently tugged her arm as they left the hospital. "Damn, another pretty face," he said under his breath.


Author Notes
I have not figured out an perfect way to write in English translations to the Spanish words. I've considered putting them in author's notes, but there are no author's notes in a novel.
Thank you for taking time to review. I appreciate all your help.


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