- Diagnosisby William Stephenson1
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Family. I sometimes wonder if I ever belonged.
Diagnosis by William Stephenson1
Family writing prompt entry

Why am I
able to embrace 
a God that is so intimate
and sacred
And yet 
I have such a difficult time 
wlth intimacy in my family
Why knowing
that I am so loved
by God
And yet
 fear and doubt
keep me
from the love of 
my children
my spouse
Why knowing
that God on a cross-filled hill
removed the distance between
me and myself
And yet
I can't find the courage
to remove the distance
between myself 
and those I call
I have been able to experience
God's forgiveness in my life
And yet
I lack the will
to truly extend forgiveness
to members of my family
I have come 
to experience and embrace
God's grace in my life
And yet
I ration it out
with conditions and ultimatums
It is from these 
tormenting contradictions
that I am coming to know  
that the most valuable gift
I can bring to my family
is not in the prescription 
but in the diagnosis

Writing Prompt
Write a poem on the topic of family.


Author Notes
Building, repairing, deepening relationships was the
way I defined myself. I made it my "job description" in my family. But when my family rejected this kind of father and husband, I then began a journey of
self discovery. I stopped being the rescuer with all the answers, and family rescued me.


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