To be or not to be
Is the question of our democracy
What can I do?
I am only one person…
What power have I against an elected tyrant
Who strangles the truth like a serpent’s coil?
Whose worshipers shrink from his scornful glare
He’s driven honor and courage from their hearts
But what of me? I am a single person…
How can I battle this, this, this…
Narcissistic hate blasting dragon?
I am baffled and bewildered by his chaos
Friends say, “Silence is safer”-
Might I take the coward’s way out?
Oh, God, oh, God, what shall I do?
I know our democracy needs fighters
To battle against the burgeoning autocracy
Clash against the controlling plutocracy
Write with fire, speak with thunder
Battle with courage, band with others
Fight his hatred and clash with his lies
March with signs and banners held high
Go door to door, trigger support
Aid our democracy once again to soar
Yes, yes, the question is resolved…
I must fulfill my American responsibility
To fight the MAGA tyrant forevermore