Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence. Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language. Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
Murder Mystery Missing persons....An a rookie cop
Rage! Uncontrollable shrieking rage! He was angry not just at her but also at himself. Stupid fucking dink! You know better! With the strength of 5 men, he grabbed and flipped the couch.
"Sandra!!!!" He spittled her name out loud.
With a smashing bang it landed hard on the floor. He had flipped it directly over where Aliss was hiding under the floorboards. Why did he let his love for her cloud his better judgement? Always make them unable to run before you 'release' them! He knew better! Now she had gotten out. But how and where?
He needed control. He needed to calm himself so he could use his logical brain. He had to figure out where she was hiding. There were only a few places inside the cabin that she could go. He stood for a few seconds, using great inner strength he slowed his breathing and his heartrate. He simmered his rage. He took several calming breaths and soon pushed a part of his fractured mind back into the raging cavern deep inside. Not enough to lock away this side of himself, but enough to control the rage. He couldn't put it all away because that other side of him would not understand his purpose, this need to release these women from their torments.
He stood and surveyed the room. He saw the zip tie on the floor, uncut and intact. He hadn't pulled it tight enough. Getting sloppy, dink! Now that the couch was moved, it was obvious that she wasn't under or behind that one piece of furniture. The board on the window was still attached and appeared untouched. She wasn't in this room.
With pounding feet, he trudged to the front door. The lock was still intact and the door locked. He looked under and inside the kitchen cabinets, slamming each one as if a punctuation mark on his frustration. Cabinet doors were locked that should be and those that were not were empty.
He turned towards his table of instruments, it was there that he saw the knife on the floor next to a cut zip tie and the disheveled appearance of what was left on the table. A closer look revealed the blood drippings from Aliss's hand. He took a moment and dipped his finger in her blood. His hand trembled as he lifted his finger to his nose to smell her. He felt euphoria, love and lust in one moment, then he licked his finger clean. His cock twitched in his pants.
He looked at the window above the sink. It was possible she got out there, but the plastic in the window looked untouched. He decided to check the whole house before looking outside. Odds were that she was hiding inside somewhere. He raced down the short hallway to the bathroom he had exited and quickly determined she hadn't slinked into that room when he left it. The tiny bedroom/storage room still had only the disheveled cot and a few storage bins on the shelf that lined the opposite wall. None of these bins were large enough to hold a human, let alone a small woman.
Damn it! She had to be outside, there was nowhere else she could be. He turned back to the kitchen and grabbed his jacket and the keys. He quickly opened the front door and ran out of it. Outside he looked over the plastic on the kitchen window. It was the only way and place she could have gotten out. It looked intact but she had proven to be a tactful intelligent woman, so she could have returned it to its proper place. If she was out, how was she going to find her? He needed to find her trail.
Under the house, Aliss was slowly crawling her way towards the only light. Dirt, rocks and garbage scraped along her chest, arms and face. She didn't feel a thing, all she felt was terror mixed with determination. It was surprising to her that she was so focused and clearheaded considering all she had been through.
Suddenly, crash! bang! and a loud scream from above her. Her nerves and muscles jumped so hard she thought she may have hit the bottom of the floorboards. She covered her own cries with her hand. Listening, she heard his muffled cry out to 'Sandra'. Again, puzzled by the reference to this woman's name.
Vermin scattered about around her, one startled her but her gasp of surprise was covered by the pounding feet above her head.
Her sense of urgency and panic quickened her crawling. She was working her way towards the light, she soon came to a partially covered opening. It had lattice style of wood over it, enough space to give Aliss the opportunity to see outside with minimal exposure. She had heard his ramblings and pounding feet all throughout the cabin. She knew she had to stay here, to bide her time. He would have to leave, eventually.
After a few minutes she heard his footsteps approach the front door area. Then he was outside of the cabin. In seconds his feet were right in front of her face. This was her only way out and her exit was directly underneath the kitchen window and to the right of the parked car. If he didn't leave the area completely, she would have no way to escape without notice.
What she wanted to do was take the knife she had been holding and jab it into his foot. It was so close and so tempting. Truth be told, she'd rather put it into his back!
His feet left her field of view but she heard clicking sounds and the slam of the trunk from the direction of the car. She saw him walk towards the forest path slightly to the left of her field of vision. The same path she had taken before. In his hands was a shotgun. He had on dark blue polyester pants the same as the jacket she had seen on the counter.
Oh, God! She recognized it now. It was a police uniform. How in the world was she ever going to feel safe again? How will she know what police officer is there to help and what officer is either working with him, or if the man she encounters is actually him if she can't see his face?
She needed to bide her time, to wait. She needed him to give up and take the car and leave. Or maybe she should try to get out from under the house and see if she could start the car and get out of there.
'Aliss', she thought to herself, 'calm down and think. He has a gun; you have a small knife. He is strong and you are weakened from the abuse. He knows the area and you are completely lost. What do you have that he doesn't?'
The phone! He is out of sight but maybe not out of earshot. Wait, wait a few minutes just to be sure.
She opened the phone again and saw barely one small dot of one bar. She would be lucky if she could get one phone call out at all. She now knew she couldn't safely call the police. What if the call was dispatched to him? What if he had friends at the precinct? What if he wasn't alone? She knew her only safe call was to Mark. Please God, let this call go through.
She held her breath and strained to listen, to hear for any movement in the brush around her. She needed to make sure that he was gone, or at least out of earshot.
She wiped her eyes clear, not realizing she had been crying. In doing that she smeared more of her own blood and dirt across her face. It made her eyes sting and she had to wait a minute more before she could make the call. She dialed and after less than one complete ring, Mark answered.
"Mark?" was her hoarse whisper.
"Aliss? Aliss, thank God! Are you ok? Where are you?" Mark peppered his questions into the phone.
Damn it! The sound of his voice seemed so loud. She covered where she thought the speaker was, in case it could be heard from under the house.
"Mark" she whispered into the phone. Her voice was trembling and full of tears. "I'm in the woods. We were on the trail for a long time off the freeway. He drives and old car, brown. Mark, Mark." She realized the phone had gone dead. Her heart sank into her chest. She had no idea how much of that call was actually heard.
Author Notes
Creative writing is an exploration into imagination and imagery. Come inside my mind.