- Chapter 29 B Wiling Heartsby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Sami and Noah discuss security for her.
Willing Hearts
: Chapter 29 B Wiling Hearts by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.

Noah and Sami met 34 days ago.


Sami took his hand. "Don't get ideas about leaving to protect me. I won't allow that."

He grinned. "I figured as much. Besides, I'm completely devoted to you."

Sami's kiss lingered.

"I could get used to that," said Noah after a few more kisses.

Tilting her head, Sami said, "So could I."

He winked and then turned his head toward male voices. "Jose and Bob have returned."

Once they were seated, Noah asked, "Any ideas how we're going to keep Sami safe?"

Sami exhaled. "I feel I need to put some parameters in place. I don't want anybody in my apartment. I want the freedom to run around naked if I want too."


Chapter 29 B

The three men's eyes widened, before Jose grinned. "That's an interesting thought."

Her eyes sparkled. "I didn't say I was going too, just if I wanted to."

"Of course." Jose chuckled. "What's next? I'm sure there's more."

"There is." She took a moment. "When Noah and I are together, I don't want anybody watching. We have the right to keep our relationship private."

Noah added, "I agree."

"The same goes for when I'm teaching, I don't want anybody hanging around," continued Sami. "It might upset my students."

Bob opened his laptop. "These are all valid concerns. Let's start setting it up and then decide on other restrictions."

Jose nodded. "We'll probably need two agents, so they get breaks." He thought a moment. "Let's say four six-hour shifts."

Noah said, "I'd prefer six four-hour shifts, so they can do other things. It'll get boring."

Jose chuckled. "Do you really think men would get bored watching Sami?"

"Good point." Noah's eyebrows crunched together. "Just in case four-hour shifts."

"How many people have you made angry?" asked Sami. "I'm wondering if we aren't doing an over-kill. Maybe this was a one-time thing."

"One time was one too many." Noah's jaw set.

"I understand, but you didn't answer my question."

Bob closed his laptop lid. "Sami has a point. Boss, most of your enemies are in prison. They won't be a threat until they're released. At that time, we could monitor their comings and goings. Which we would anyway."

"True." Jose glanced at Bob. "Why don't we go through case files back maybe five years and make a list of possible threats? Then we'll know exactly how many and who we're dealing with. Besides we're always notified when people are released from prison."

"Good idea," agreed Bob.

"I like that idea," said Sami. "Other than sacrificing my door, I was safe. I noticed a problem, called for help, and the situation was handled."

Bob, Jose, and Sami studied Noah, who remained quiet. Jose broke the silence, "Boss, your thoughts?"

When Noah didn't answer, Sami said, "Guys, why don't you go for a walk. If you follow Sunset Blvd to your right, there's a coffee shop in the next block, in case you want more coffee."

Jose stood. "Good idea. We'll be back later."

After they left, Sami kissed Noah. "Okay, my silent gorilla. What's on your mind? It's just you and me."

Noah studied her eyes. "I love you. I can't allow anything to happen, especially because of me."

"Noah." She collected her thought for a moment. "You're not the same eighteen-year-old playing basketball and drinking. I'm not a young fourteen-year-old innocent girl."

"It was my fault Ella was kidnapped. I should've stopped it."

"You don't know that." She touched his arm. "I understand the feeling. I feel it's my fault Myra was taken."

"You couldn't control the traffic. If you'd have been there, you would've been kidnapped too."

"We don't know that."

"I see your point." Noah tightly held Sami. "Promise you'll be careful and on the lookout for danger."

Sami kissed him. "I promise."

"Thank you."

An older man knocked on the door frame. "Excuse me, Agent Taylor. We need to remove this door."

Noah stood. "Great. We've been waiting." He glanced toward Sami. "We'll put this on hold, to be revisited later. I need a cup of coffee. Do you want one?"

"No. I would take a bottle of water."

When Noah returned and handed her the water, he said, "Depending how long this takes, we could do something here in Houston or drive down to Galveston. It has some great seafood. We could walk along the seawall or do a gulf tour."

It was early afternoon when Sami's new door was installed. Before long Noah and Sami headed toward Galveston's Pier 21 to catch a tour boat with hopes of sighting dolphins.

As the thirty-four feet tour boat left the dock, Sami and Noah stood along the starboard side and looked over the water. Noah's arm around Sami's waist pulled her closer. She glanced up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for this."

The guide said, "Hopefully the dolphins will come out to play." He pointed. "Right on cue! Off to the starboard side there are five dolphins. Keep watching. You'll see them leaping, diving, and splashing. Basically, having a blast."

Sami giggled as she pointed. "Noah, did you see that one? He's huge."

"I did." Noah watched her rub her arms, took off his sports jacket, and placed it over her shoulders. "You're cold. Here."

"Now, you're cold."

"I'm fine. The breeze feels good."

"I left my jacket in the car. If we have time to walk along the seawall, I'll remember it."

Once the tour ended, Noah asked, "Any thoughts on dinner?"

"None. Galveston's only about an hour away, but I've only been here a few times."

"I suggest Gaido's Seafood Restaurant. It's on Seawall Boulevard. It's not fancy. When we've had to come down for business, we'd stop there."

Inside the restaurant, Sami ordered the 'Premium Gulf shrimp' grilled, and Noah ordered 'Gulf caught American Red Snapper'.

Partway through their meal, Sami placed her hand over her stomach.

"Anything wrong?" asked Noah.

"No, just the opposite. I'm stuffed but everything's so good, I don't want to quit eating."

"They don't mind doggy bags."

Her eyes light up. "That's true."

She checked the time. "It's still early. After we walk along the seawall, maybe I'll nibble on it on the way home."

"It'll be cold."

"But it'll still be good. I'm sure cold 'Stuffing Balls' are a delicacy."

"Of course they are." Noah shook his head.

They walked across Seawall Blvd. Then at a slow pace, held hands, and walked along the sandy beach. Sami laid her head against Noah's arm. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Everything all right?"

"Yes. It's almost perfect." Sami stopped and sat.

"What are you doing?" Noah cocked his head.

"I'm taking off my shoes and socks and rolling up my pant legs. I'm going to walk in the Gulf. Join me. It'll be fun."

"I'm sure thirty-two-year-old men don't walk barefooted in the Gulf."

Sami pointed at an elderly man. "Wanna bet? I'd say he's at least thirty-two."

Noah sat in the sand and muttered, "You're a bad influence."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I think you've mentioned that before."

He stood and offered his hand to help her up. "A few times."

They walked along the Gulf allowing the low tide to wash against them. Sami turned and faced the western sky. "The setting sun is gorgeous. The colors are amazing."

Noah stood behind her with both arms around her, hands clasped at her waist. "You're right."

Sami turned, put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Thank you for tonight."

"You're welcome, but..."

She put her fingers over his lips. "You don't need to say it. It's time to head home, isn't it?"

"It is."

Before long they were on their way home. Noah glanced at Sami. "You're quiet. Is something wrong?"

"I'm confused. I thought last night was the most perfect date ever. The dinner, the dancing, and the play were fantastic. I loved it." Sami released a deep breath. "But tonight, the boat tour, dinner, and walking along the gulf was also perfect. They're different. How can that be?"

Noah glanced at her but remained silent.

She reached over and touched his arm. "It's because I'm with you. As long as you're by my side, my life's wonderful."

"Sunshine, I've warned you about putting me on a pedestal. I'll fall, and you'll be devastated."

"I know, but when we're together, we can lean on each other and solve life's problems."

He raised her hand and kissed it. "True."

At Sami's door, Noah said, "We'll walk Jasper, then I need to leave."

After Jasper's walk, Noah stood at her door, and Sami asked, "Aren't you coming in? It's not real late."

"I need to leave." When Sami's eyes widened, he moved closer and kissed her.

His kiss caused a surging tide of warmth. His insistent mouth parted her lips and sent wild tremors resembling sparks of electricity through her veins. She was lost in the moment, consumed by the heat of his mouth on hers.

Their lips devoured each other's. Their mouths hungrily searched for more. Soft moans escaped her lips then his.

When the kiss ended, Noah exhaled. "That chemistry you've mentioned on occasion is why I need to leave."


"I promised your dad, I'd keep you safe. That includes safe from me. I'll see you in the morning."

Sami watched him walk down the first step, before he turned. "What time's church?"

"Eleven o'clock, but you don't need to."

"I promised I'd try at least once." Noah glanced toward the parking lot. "I'll pick you up at ten-thirty." He went down two more steps then turned back. "What should I wear?"

"Anything you want."

"What does your dad wear?"

"Dress slacks and a button-down shirt."

"That's what I'll wear. See you in the morning."

Sami remained by her door until she couldn't see Noah any longer.

Just after she locked the door, she answered her wrist communicator. "Noah?"

"I love you, Sunshine."

"I love you, too. Goodnight."


Thank you Youtube for the video of Dolphins at play in the Gulf of Mexico.


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy


Author Notes
Thank you, Google Images for a photograph of dolphins jumping in the Gulf. I've had the pleasure of watching them. They are gorgeous. They enjoy playing.

The reference to Ella is about when Noah was in the orphanage. He discussed it with Sami while they were at the Safe House, right after the Father's Day celebration and he accused Sami of being pregnant. They were in Jose's cabin. It was a while ago. I thought you might have forgotten.

Chapter 29 is a long chapter and is divided into two parts. This is the second part of Chapter 29. It's slightly under 1600 words. After today's post, there are only 2 more post. Almost done with this novel. My next novel is one chapter from being finished. I'll be ready to begin posting it as soon as this one is finished.

As I'm sure you already know, I made changes as I posted. I'm still working on condensing words. I got two new editing books for Christmas. I'm enjoying learning more about editing. I hope I did. Thank you for your help. I appreciate all reviews.


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