Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence. Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
A twisted family, a serial killer.
This person was closer than the others, he knows her but she doesn't really know him. Just in passing. But he still wanted to track her so she was unaware that he was watching her. She was perfect to him and really needed his help. It seemed to him that she was in a loveless marriage and needed freedom from it. He thought that her husband was too controlling, based on the little interactions he had seen between them.
Money can't buy you happiness. She lived in an affluent neighborhood, was married to a doctor and seemed to have a nice life in that sense. But what good does that do, without love? Love is all he had for her, that and sorrow. He felt bad for her in her ivory tower.
Once, when he went through her mail, he discovered that her husband was a doctor. Fits the lifestyle after all.
Late one afternoon he booked an appointment at Dr. Mark Conners office feigning a sore stomach, just to get a feel for the guy. As he suspected, the good old doctor was a severe controlling man. He couldn't get the guy to engage in any personal conversation. There was just, 'how long have you had this pain?' and 'have you been sick recently?' kind of questions. Hmm no wonder she was so sad. Oh well, time to get on with the next stages of his plan.
After the doctors' visit, he drove over to a familiar friend. Well, not quite a friend, a stooge anyway. The guy was perfect for his needs. He just takes his lists and picks up his supplies on demand with little to no questions. How perfect was that? The guy obviously needed the work. If Joe asked, he wouldn't answer many questions anyway. That would have ended their relationship right quick.
"Good afternoon, and how are we today?" Said Joe Smythe to his employer holding his hand out for a shake.
"Good. Just got a new list for you. I need you to pick these things up in Seattle for me. I have included a little extra cash so you can take a motel for the night. I have already called the suppliers and they are expecting you. When you get back just put them in the back of my garage at the house. I'll get a hold of you next week for any other items I may need." He handed an envelope over to Joe.
"Sure, what are you building anyway? Perhaps I can help?" Joe asked him.
"It's nothing I can't handle. A little project for me and the Mrs." And with that he left. As he walked away, he subconsciously patted the small pistol in his right pocket. His mind was already wandering over to the lovely lady he was planning on helping very soon. It seemed that her husband was out of town. Isn't that when most women leave their husbands?
Joe had a million questions for him but never voiced them. The guy paid well and never bothered him for anything. Just pick up and deliver. He found the guy from a craigslist advertisement. The ad said it was looking for someone as an occasional delivery man. Part time and sporadic. It fit Joe perfectly. Linda was always very understanding of the job and he always made sure to pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables on the way home with any cash that he had left over. Sometimes he would surprise his wife with flowers. She loved that and in turn he would get his surprise too.
The lists always varied in items. Sometimes chemicals, sometimes gardening supplies and sometimes lumber. It always struck Joe as curious that he bought these things from different places, especially considering most of it was available here, in town. However, cash is king and Joe wanted to take care of his family. His daughter Karma had expensive therapy and cash was hard to come by.
During the last delivery, Joe got to drive the guys' truck. Nice new pick-up truck, it was a dream to drive. He gave the guy the keys to his old Oldsmobile, just in case he needed it while he was away. When Joe got back from that trip, his car was there, freshly washed with a full tank of gas. Heck if that guy wanted his car in the future, he could have it any time!
Author Notes
this book has taken almost a year to write and 6 months to research. I hope you have been enjoying it.