“I’ll be in my office eating. Had no--”
“One more patient, Doctor. A girl hurt badly.”
“No, she fought.”
“A fight? Where?”
“St. Timothy’s.”
“My son’s school and my wife’s principal there.”
“She bring the girl?”
Dr. Roberts glanced at the clock. “Gimme two minutes to phone her.”
“Better see the girl first. She’s got an eye that’s swelling fast.”
Roberts sighed. “Okay . . . bring her in. What’s her name?”
“Katie Sampson. You treated her mother last week for hives.”
Moments later the nurse escorted Katie into the examining room and introduced her to the doctor.
“Wow! That’s some shiner, Katie. Hurt much?”
Katie shook her pigtails.
The doctor’s touch was light as he examined her eye.
“You get hit with a rock?”
“No, a fist, but I broke Danny’s arm?”
The doctor gawked. “Danny who?”
“Roberts.” Katie grinned. “His mom had to take him to the hospital.”