- Superstitionby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Free Verse for the Little Workshop of Horror Club
2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: Superstition by Gypsy Blue Rose
FanStory Registered Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright2024

bad luck,


and malevolent thoughts

sail with the wind 

where folks run aghast


black cats,


and clouds

carry ominous

dark omens abound 



walking under ladders

and breaking mirrors

they’ll  bring along

a sentence of five years



invade our minds

blinding our sight

and deafening our ears

with lies

Author Notes
"When you believe in things
that you don't understand
then you'll suffer a lot,
superstition ain't the way" - Stevie Wonder

This week's in the Little Workshop of Horrors Club's event is to write a free verse poem consisting of a minimum of 8 lines on the topic of superstitions.

Thanks to Marilyn Hamilton and Patrick Bernardy for leading the club.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poems and presentations created by Gypsy Blue Rose @copyright2024 and registered with FanStory


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