- RIP Jelloby Douglas Goff
This work has reached the exceptional level
A sad day for the family
RIP Jello by Douglas Goff

I wrote about a most incredible animal in my piece, ‘Jello’, two years ago. 

She had regained the use of her foot after her fierce battle with a chicken hawk and had been running about, quite normal these past few months. 

Tonight, someone ran Jello over and killed her right at the end of our driveway. We live in the country on a dirt road, with little traffic, so it is such a devastating accident. Everyone here is crying as it is quite raw. 

I am hurting so I went to my ‘go to’. I’m writing about it. So, here’s a tribute to our beautiful black spirit cat, Jello.  

Until we meet again, rest in peace, Shadow Ninja Warrior Cat. 


Author Notes
Tough times…


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