- * Harvest Moon Shines *by Gypsy Blue Rose
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Horror Haiku for the Haiku Club
2024 Gypsy's Haiku
: * Harvest Moon Shines * by Gypsy Blue Rose

harvest moon shines 

    as enchantress dances with shadows —

at witching hour



Author Notes
HORROR HAIKU is a type of Modern Haiku has the basic haiku rules but you don't need season words and the syllable count doesn't have to be 17 syllables but as brief as possible. The topic is horror. In Japan, they are called Hora Haiku. Dean Kuch and I wrote two horror haiku in FanStory, one of them is published in Amazon. Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem. source

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) COPYRIGHT@2024


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