- Powerlessby Verna Cole Mitchell
Without connection, there is no power.
Powerless by Verna Cole Mitchell
Artwork by avmurray at

The television with no plug
Connecting cord to power,
Has neither picture nor a sound
From hour unto hour.

One cannot ever take words back
From anger or from haste,
And even when regret is made,
They leave a bitter taste.

The lightbulb in a lovely lamp
That once had shed a glow,
When elements have burned away,
Has no light left to show.

A puppet, when his strings are cut,
Then dangles here and there.
With no controls to manage him,
He can't go anywhere.

The leaf that's twisting in the wind
With no known destination
Has no idea what will be
Its future situation.

I'm powerless within myself
To live the way I should,
To do the things I ought to do,
And be the best I could.

But God Almighty sent his Son
As Savior of my soul.
Now He's the power of my life
As I'm in His control.


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