- At the End of the Roadby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Jisei Naani Poem
2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: At the End of the Road by Gypsy Blue Rose


reaching the end of the road  

outside my window

      the skylark   —

it too knows it must die 



Author Notes
Jisei is a Japanese death poem usually written by the poet before she/he dies. Sometimes someone will write it for the dead. In the Zen philosophy, there is no beginning and no end of life, everything is connected in nature and the soul never dies... it just changes form. It's similar with Christianity.

Naani poem has 4 lines. The total number of syllables in the poem are between 20 to 25. While the poem does not have to be about a particular subject it is often about human relations or current statements. poetry dances poem rules

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024


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