- Sleep Little Angelby Gypsy Blue Rose
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: Sleep Little Angel by Gypsy Blue Rose
For my sister, Mari Angeles, may she rest in peace


Sleep little Angel

don’t you cry,

your paper boat waits ashore

with singing skylarks.


Sleep wrapped 

in the long dark night

amidst a mantle of stars.


Sleep at dawn, sleep!

On your paper boat.

Little by little will disappear

at the end of the world.


Your paper boat is filled

with love, hopes, and dreams.

I’ll wait with God’s Angels 

at my side of the shore.



Author Notes
My little sister, Mari Angeles (Mary of Angels), died at 3 years old before I was born. My mother suffered from Depression for years after. She prayed for another baby with blue eyes and her prayers were answered, I have blue eyes. I never met her. I heard stories of my sister about how sweet and beautiful she was. I saw pictures and it was true.

Skylark birds are known for their beautiful songs

The top painting is the "Madonna of the Streets" by Roberto Ferruzzi, 15th century

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poems and presentations by Gypsy Blue Rose @copyright2024


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