He's here, I know he loves me
Standing far below my balcony,
He says, “Oh, my love, you stand far above
I see you beckoning me to come, to climb
Up the lattice replete with thorning vines
But my poor hands would be ripped and torn
I can do naught, but gaze at you and mourn.”
He calls again, “Why not jump? I’ll catch you.”
My heart fills with love. Up I climb, stand
On top of the railing, so brave and bold,
I jump, I shout, "I love you!" My dress billows out.
But then he turns and sneezes. I blow past like a breeze.
Crash on the ground. I’m broken and smashed.
Lying there, I know I'm such a bloody mass alas
He says, “Sorry I didn’t catch you. But oh gosh,
I must say, you are absolutely quite a mess."
Then he makes a bold sweep with his hat
Says, “Sorry, but I really think I must dash.”
In a fading voice. I can only murmur,
“Oh dear, I guess he loves me not.”