- What Will I Doby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Gogyohka Poems with a one line question
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: What Will I Do by Gypsy Blue Rose
meaning of the poem in author notes

What will I do with this meadow?


I'll gather an empty nest

nestled on the bough

and veiled with elusive dusk

as the hen perches

with a chest full of dismal night

What will I do without your eyes?


I'll cry dry tears by the Styx riverbank

knowing your body rests
on the other side

weaved with ethereal twilight

and entwined with cold touch


Author Notes
A female bird is also called a hen.

The river Styx is the boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead

Poem's basic meaning :

This poem uses a lot of metaphor and nature's personification. The theme is loss and grief- such as the seemingly sad hen with an empty nest, and the cold body resting on the other side of the River Tyxt.

I am inspired by Spanish and Chilean poets. We have the same poetic style.

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024


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