- Across the Dead Seaby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Free Verse
2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: Across the Dead Sea by Gypsy Blue Rose

even though your body rests 

neath the cold marble tomb

you visit me in my dreams

the moon ferries your kisses 

across the Dead Sea 

as meteor showers peak in your eyes

remembrance waves

ride the tides to my shore

~ my heart, my life, my love ~




Author Notes
Inspired by the poem, "Annabel Lee", by Edgar Allan Poe. It was his last poem. The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are envious. He retains his love for her after her death. He was inspired by his wife Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe. Written in 1849, it was not published until shortly after Poe's death that same year. wikipedia
to read the poem click here

The Dead Sea is a landlocked salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Israel to the west.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


I get a lot of questions about my presentations. I create them using two graphic art programs. I don't use a template, there is no template for what I do. I put a lot of time into my presentations but I enjoy it.

Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024


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