- Long Afterby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Horror Poem for the Halloween Contest
2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: Long After by Gypsy Blue Rose
Halloween Poetry contest entry
Scary Picture below the poem


 long after 

everyone left

massive amounts of dust have settled 

on furniture and knickknacks

spiderwebs cover

all corners and cracks

black widows are free to hang

everywhere they want

the house settles day and night

creaking, banging, hissing, and popping

all that racket

can drive a man mad

cicadas and crickets' chirping

amidst the howling wind 

play for the man trapped 

behind the wall



Author Notes
In memory of Dean Kuch, the King of Horror in FanStory. We collaborated on several horror haiku books and we were close friends. I still think of him whenever I write horror or something about Halloween.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poems and presentations by Gypsy Blue Rose @copyright2024


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