- Top Failed Movies of all Timeby DragonSkulls
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Changing a Single Letter contest entry
Top Failed Movies of all Time by DragonSkulls
The Importance of a Single Letter contest entry

Lizard of Oz
In a small, glass aquarium in Kansas there lived a gecko. The day
the tornado came, Dorothy simply couldn't save her tiny pet and it,
along with its little home, flew out the window and was carried off
in the twister. When it finally landed, it shattered and cut the gecko's
tail clean off. In the strange land of Oz, he was told by miniature
trolls to go find the wizard to get his tail restored. Along the
way he meets three friends. Follow the adventure and mishaps
of the gecko, the legless frog, the blind seeing eye dog and the
two headed calf.

Beauty and the Feast
A maiden gets held prisoner for debts her father owes. Every day
while in captivity, she's fed a buffet of food by the castle owner's
staff. After years, she grows to an enormous size. She finds herself
hideous in the mirror and can hear the harsh rumors of the castle's
employees. In the end, despite the reasoning of her imprisonment,
she learns to love the the fat, disgusting beast she's become.

Forest Gimp
A boy born with deformed legs is determined to overcome this
handicap. At the age of twelve, on his way home from school,
with his favorite girl, Jenny, some bullies started chasing him.
Through his attempts of escape, his metal leg braces loosen and
snap free, falling to the ground. His legs aren't thoroughly healed
though and he too falls in the dirt, where the bullies run over him
with their bicycles. He leaves the braces where they are and never
uses them again. Years later, seeing as how his girl, Jenny,
doesn't want crap to do with him until later in the movie, after
she gets AIDS, he hobbles clear across the country and back
again for absolutely no reason. The whole agonizing time
rethinking what Jenny hollered that day the bullies chased him
and he broke free of those braces. "Limp, Forest, Limp!"

Tot Gun
Little Maverick knew in his early years that he wanted to be a
jet pilot when he grew up. One day in kindergarten, his teacher
took his toy F-16 and refused to give it back. The next day,
Maverick took his father's AK-47 to kindergarten, with the
barrel end sticking up out of his backpack, and showed his
teacher what the consequences of taking a child's dream toy
away was. Word got around and now if you're ever in need
of an assassin, just catch second grade recess.

The Flesh
He won all the speed tryouts in high school. He wanted to use
this skill to help fight crime in the city he grew up in. The
police refused him as a superhero. Now he races around the
downtown streets, a masked vigilante, fighting crime...naked.

A little extra-terrestrial gets stranded on earth and befriends
a young boy. Even though he has the power to make bicycles
fly, Elliott determines this alien isn't all that bright and does
everything he can do to ditch this Ignorant-Terrestrial, who
doesn't even have the intelligence to know how to use a phone.

Sixty Sense
A therapist finds out that a boy he's treating can actually see
dead people. He decides to exploit the child's gift and takes
out an ad in the paper. 'Talk to your dead relatives for just a
small sixty dollar connection fee.' After no one contacts him
for this fantastic deal, that's when he realizes his career is over
and he's pretty well dead already himself.

A warrior listens closely to rumors and spreads them throughout
the land. His followers believe what he stands for and choose to
also listen. In his final speech, he yells, "They can take our lives,
but they will never take our gossip!"

Chitty Shitty Bang Bang
A musical of a man that loses his love because he claims to
have a car that can fly...that he never manages to get off
the ground.

The Fast and The Curious
A man joins a car heisting gang and starts questioning if the
feelings he's having for the muscular, bald guy of the crew is
merely friendship or homo sexual tendencies.

Bone With The Wind
A well chiseled man teaches single women how to navigate
hot air balloons. Seducing them with his charm, he makes
passionate love to them while in flight. His wife knows
about his affairs and each time threatens to divorce him
and take half his money but, frankly, he doesn't give a damn.



Author Notes
Wizard of Oz
Beauty and the Beast
Forest Gump
Top Gun
The Flash
Sixth Sense
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
The Fast and the Furious
Gone With The Wind.


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