- The Life Giverby PENofFIRE
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He came to give life and life more abundant
The Life Giver by PENofFIRE
Bible writing prompt entry
Artwork by VMarguarite at

I was drowning in a river of tears.
The chains of hopelessness bound my heart
pulling me down to the depths of despair.
Darkness consumed me
and life ebbed away as I surrendered
my last breath.

As death was about to claim its victory,
Life, Himself, reached out to me.
He renewed His breath within me,
infusing me with an abundance of hope,
restoring my faith in the Life Giver.

I arose as from a deep sleep
sensing the presence of good and evil.
A battle ensued within me
as a tormenting spirit overwhelmed me
and I was helpless to do anything.

The stakes were high.
Eternity loomed on the horizon.
Fear gripped my soul
as I watched the battle ensue.
I tried to pray but could not.

At last, I felt a great release.
The Life Giver spoke to me,
"I have fought the evil one for three days,
And I have won.
Your life is mine and heaven will be your home."

I was overcome with joy.
Everything changed.
Immediately, the old passed away
And all things became new.
I was a new person In Christ Jesus, the Life-Giver

Writing Prompt
Take a passage from the Bible that you find especially interesting or meaningful. Then write why you chose it.
1. Exposition: Perhaps you've studied it in depth which gave greater understanding to its meaning. Share what you learned.
2 . Application: It helped you with something personally when you applied it to your life/situation.


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