I feel such great and terrible shame
When everyone acts as though I'm to blame
For everything that happens bad
It makes me very, very sad
Always, always I am wrong
It happens all the whole day long
The more I try and try to help
The more they gripe and scream and yelp
They whine that they have all these needs
But then my needs they fail to heed
I would just say, “To heck with you”
But if I don't help, then who?
Help is needed by me a times
But then they just complain and whine
I feel as though I have no choice
I also feel I have no voice
I am treated like a slave
I am expected to shut up and behave
They just want me to do as I'm told
To make comments or suggestions, too bold
They couldn't care less that I have needs, too
They just want me to shut up and do
I would just stop helping and then they would see
But that just is not someone I can be
I guess I will just have to deal
Hope one day they will see that my needs are real