- Standing Together by Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level
Even when far apart
Standing Together by Debi Pick Marquette


You should not take your politics

So serious that you throw sticks

At friends who do not think like you

Let's show respect for each one's view

And yes, it's true, I can't support 

That it is alright to abort

It's my opinion that it's wrong 

And my beliefs are very strong

It's not the candidate I love 

But it's the law from up above 

I care about what God has said 

How I was raised is in my head

But I will promise not to judge

And I will never hold a grudge 

I will not put you on display

Or throw a dear friendship away

And for your party you are proud

Then other ones should be allowed 

To voice opinion without hate

Let's keep division from our fate

And for each bit of mud we sling

Remember we want the same thing 

Let's make our politics to be

That we agree to disagree 



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